Folder download on OS5

Totally agree; this cloud OS is terrible. I joined this forum just to say this.

And I can’t believe that as a solution to this, representatives of WD suggest going through the network into the device itself without using their OS to be able to download a whole directory. Cloud OS is something to be used remotely, not on the computer that the NAS is connected to. Stories of using a VPN or VPN tunnelling to be able to join your own network to avoid My Cloud OS itself - are not a solution. As well as clicking the multiple files option by pressing the “Shift”.

I may have hundreds of small files in a directory or a directory with several directories, each with 20-30 files. My cloud is practically unusable in these situations or is a joke of the user.

I have different NAS, different NAS os experiences - not going to mention rival names here. And sure, they are a different products. But people here complain not about app integrations or many extra features that cloud could have - people here complain about a very basic thing - they just want to download from cloud a directory directly.

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