FYI, one of the links (My Cloud dead, how to see content on Windows 10?) I posted above does detail a discussion on several methods to access the contents of the My Cloud hard drive that has been attached to a Windows computer. Including using a Linux boot disk and Paragon’s Linux File System driver for Windows. The main advantage to using Linux boot disk/boot USB flash drive/Linux VM or Paragon’s software is one can write to the extracted hard drive. Some (possibly all if I remember right the last time I looked a them) of the programs in that link are read only.
By using Linux one can also restore the single bay My Cloud firmware to the hard drive (existing My Cloud drive or a brand new hard drive). There are a number of methods detailed in this My Cloud subforum to “unbrick” a My Cloud hard drive back to working order (assuming the hard drive isn’t damaged or failed) some of those methods recommend using LInux.