Why My WDTV play doesnt recognize my hard drive?

Accordign to the “List of compatible devices for the WD TV Play Media Player”, for the part of Western Digital External USB Hard Drives, I found out that My Passport Essential SE 3.0 was compatible with WDTV Play. But when I plugged it in, WDTV Play couldnt recognize it. Does anyone know the reason? Please help me resolve this problem.

Is the drive error-free?   Is it formatted with a compatible file system?

I have no idea about it. Do you know Which file system should my hard drive be formatted with? However, WD TV Play can recognize my 16 GB usb stick memory.

It should be formatted NTFS, FAT32, or HFS+ (without journaling.)

And it needs to be checked for errors on your PC, possibly.

What’s the size of the drive? USB drives of 3TB or more may have issues being recognized if they have only one partition.

Would need to be re-partitioned to 2 GB partitions or less.

It is My Passport Essential 3.0 with the capacity of 1TB. It was formatted with NFTS already but didnt work at all.


Have you got your issue resolved? I am facing the same problem

Hello Friend

I have the same problem, on my laptop, it works fast  and perfect.

on my WD player (not the live one), it sasys no storage present

Hard drive power is on light is working, I can feel the hard drive is working, but cant recognise by the media player.

Any help is appreciated.

pooh_200591 I suggest you contact WD support. The manual says your model is supported, however I’ve encountered several issues across the forum when it comes to NTFS formatted drives (eg here or here). Also, says supported but not in what file system. From what I’ve read, WD TV Play is iffy when it comes to NTFS drives.

In the Knowledge Base, your WD My Passport Essential 3.0 drive is listed as working/supported.