Where can I get the latest 'Model Number Format for WD Products' Information Sheet, please!

Recently, I want to buy a WD Enterprise-class Hard Drive, but I want to know the difference between WD6002FRYZ and WD6002VRYZ, can anybody tell me this? thanks!

and where can I get the latest ‘Model Number Format for WD Products’ (PDF), thanks again!
below are what I got, but seems they did not include the one that I list above(WD6002VRYZ/WD6002FRYZ)

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Have you looked here.

Or, maybe here.

Thanks @cat0w.

could some one provide the latest ‘Model Number Format for WD Products’ (PDF), thanks again!

Did you look at the information I provided or is it that you want someone else to do your work for you?

Here is what I have found on WD6002FRYZ but I get, no results found for WD6002VRYZ. Where did you come up with VRYZ. A Google search did not show anything for this, WD6002VRYZ !


Click on, tap or activate image to inlarge it.

Yes, I have looked at the infomation you provided and thank you again! but I want the description doc of the ‘Model Number’, just like the pdf link that I gave above (4579-705045.pdf or 2579-701261.pdf).

PS, below is the specification sheet of WD6002VRYZ:

Sometimes you have to click on another link inside that information.

Here is the Specification Sheet.


I see why the VRYZ probable does not show on a Google search in the USA or in WD (USA), it’s China Only.


@cat0w Thanks!

As you said, VRYZ is just for China, may be this is the only difference between WD6002FRYZ and WD6002VRYZ.

I know the specification sheet, but I need the doc of ‘Model Number Format’ Information Sheet.
Actually, I want to know the detail information regarding the Model Number, for example, the exact meaning of ‘V’ in ‘VRYZ’ and the exact meaning of ‘F’ in ‘FRYZ’.

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Have you contacted someone from WD to ask them? Contact | Western Digital

What is the meaning of the “a” in @taotling ? It’s not an acronym - it’s a model number. As far as I am aware, the “F” in FRYZ and the “V” in VRYZ don’t actually mean anything other than “this is a different product”

I came across two model numbers for 2TB my passport, namely WDBYFT0020 and WDBS4B0020. Kindly provide me the latest model code format to decode the aforementioned product code.

@tsathish What Computer and Operating system are you using? If Windows have you tried the following, highlight the product number and right click on it. You should see the following.

You can search the web or ask Cortana. Have you tried a Google Search?
