WDMyCloud.com sign up problems

YES! I have solved the same problem!

You have to reset to factory settins.

You have to start the control panel of My Cloud.
Through the tab “Settings” in the “Utilities” select “Reset Only System” (or something similar - I have this text in russian).

The system returns to the factory settings. You information on the MyCloud disk will not be affected.

After this I changed the “admin” username and successfully registered at wd2go serever.

I am having the same problem. But, I am trying to add a new user (my wife).

thanks for the hint to resolve can’t register the device to WDCloud Login issue by just CAPITAL LETTER to your email company.

myid@gmail.com will hit error

myid@GMAIL.COM will be working

Thanks! I’ve just bought MyCloud and I can confirm @GMAIL.COM in capital works but @gmail.com in lowercase will give the error. Looks like a bug. 

Is this problem reported?

After searching multiple threads, I came across your post. This was the solution for me, making the domain all caps, who would have thunk.


Many thanks for this tip, autodoc58.
I have tried many things, including adding the e-mail domain in CAPITAL letters, but without success.
Your tip regarding the ports was what worked for me.

It is a pity that none of this is in the users manual or other official communication from WD.
