WD TV suddenly cannot see windows shares

Welcome to the forum. Looks like this is your first post. The link you resurrected of Tony’s post from the archives is a good one, but can be a bit technical for many people.

My first post here was also something I figured out, like you did. I searched the form for ayear, but no real clues, and I had to figure out the solution myself. Issue is gone.

Here are two links you may want to know about. One is by a guy who figured out the Master Browser long ago. He even wrote a handy little program to check on the MB status at anytime. So, download and install it. Many of us have. You will like it. It is a very easy way to do what Tony’s link suggests. Basically, it’s TOO easy, which is very nice.

The important thing about the MB, is you want a permanent one that is always on, like from a NAS, or from a router with the feature. Ever since my router became the MB, all my issues with MB are long gone.

Another post is one I wrote about the Network shares, passwords, etc.issues for the WDTV See this:

Enjoy the forums here; they are often quite informative.

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