WD Sync syncing not consistent

I have a WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra I am using as a NAS for my Win 10 desktop, and a Win 10 laptop. I installed WD Sync on the dsektop and laptop and signed in as my personal account, not as the admin.

What I thought I had set up was that folders like Documents, Pictures, Downloads, Videos would be synced between all three devices, so that if I edited/deleted a file on one it would be synced across the others. When I first set it up, this is what appeared to be happening. It now seems that this is not very consistent. One example, I made a new folder in Pictures on the desktop with about 20 images in it. The new folder appeared on both the NAS and the laptop, but only about 7 of the images turned up.

I sat with my documents folder open on the laptop and the same on the desktop as well as a window for the same folder on the NAS. If I deleted files in any of these three locations, this was synced across all threee, but if I created new files this was inconsistent. New files created on the laptop or desktop didn’t sync, or did sometimes if I restarted WD Sync. If I created them on the NAS (using the mounted folder of the NAS drive in Windows Explorer), then they did sync across the desktop and laptop. So, very inconsistent.

Is there anything I can do or should I look for another piece fo software for syncing? I want this to be easy - I dont need bells and whistles or complex forms of syncing, I just want to be able to know whichever device I make changes on they will be replicated across all three.

You can give it a try: Try out GoodSync for WD

Thanks but I’m unimpressed that it asks me to provide my Windows pasword in the set up. Also £40 ($50) per computer? Also, I don’t need all the bells and whistles of something like GoodSync. It’s just a shame that WD Sync doesn’t work propoerly and there doesn’t appear to be any development work being done on it at WD’s end.