WD My Cloud Mirror Gen2 running Debian 9 and Openmediavault 4

I’ll make a long story short.

After I was dissatisfied by OS 5 on my WDMC Mirror Gen2 I was installing DSM 6 on the device based on this thread:

But after a few days it crashed.
So I managed to activate the original WD rescue and installed OS 3 again.

From there I installed Debian Stretch based on this:
followed by OMV 4.

By accident I installed Debian 10 (Buster), but I was unable to install OMV then.

If you do the same, take care and modify the sources to use “oldstable” which is Debian 9.

Otherwise you will sooner or later upgrade to Debian 10 maybe by accident.

Good luck!

root@wdmc:/etc/apt# cat sources.list
deb Index of /debian oldstable main contrib non-free
deb-src Index of /debian oldstable main contrib non-free

deb Index of /debian oldstable-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src Index of /debian oldstable-updates main contrib non-free

deb http://security.debian.org/ oldstable/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ oldstable/updates main contrib non-free

To work around a dependency error with NGINX while installing OMV do:

edit /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default and comment:

#listen [::]:80 default_server;

I don’t think you understand how much you saved my bacon with this post. Literally bought this device secondhand and was banging my head for 2 hours wondering why I’m unable to install debian.

THE FINEPRINT IS DOWNGRADING. The rest of it is gold, as you definitely need to ensure you have a solid debian install. Thanks again!

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I rescind my previous statement.

I have been having an extremely tough go of this and it just doesn’t seem to be working for me.

I have been using the Linux 4.14.4 debian stretch file and I can upload the .bin and telnet into the device to start the process, but it begins to break down after that.

First off, I only have one 3tb hard drive in there, so I believe I am doing the RAID commands when I shouldn’t be.


parted --script /dev/sda “mklabel gpt
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 0% 512MB
mkpart primary 512MB 4096MB
mkpart primary 4096MB 100%
I should ignore it here
set 1 raid on
set 2 raid on
set 3 raid on”

Replace “Missing” to /dev/sdb* for use bith disks.
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda1 missing
mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda2 missing
mdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda3 missing

For add 2nd disk later
Format disk and run this:
mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1
mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb2
mdadm --manage /dev/md2 --add /dev/sdb3
and resume here?
Format new partitions:
mkswap /dev/md0
swapon /dev/md0
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md2


I never get confirmation that I sync, and when I try to SSH via putty, both the IP address connection refuses and the hostname given to me is not real.

Am I correct in my line of thinking?

If you currently have a single disk you should only skip these lines.

Doing all the other steps is necessary to make it work this way.

You create the structure for RAID, but with only 1 disk.

Thanks for the reply!

I do have one other question.

I want to skip making a parted script and do the actions in parted itself. when I do the mklabel and mkpart commands, am I telling it to do it on \ ?

mklabel gpt \
mkpart primary 0% 512MB \
mkpart primary 512MB 4096MB \
mkpart primary 4096MB 100% \
set 1 raid on \
set 2 raid on \
set 3 raid on"

or just the commands as is.

Sorry for the noob questions. I know just enough linux to dig a giant hole and make 30m installs turn into multi day screw ups.

Do as follows:

parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 0% 512MB
mkpart primary 512MB 4096MB
mkpart primary 4096MB 100%

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Thank you for your help!

For anyone in the future who comes here and is trying to do what I attempted.

Please note, that you will have to reboot after you have done the parted script or commands. You can then continue as normal and everything will work.

Also, check the host on your router when logging in as SSH, I used the IP address as opposed to the hostname and I am now in

Hi, can You tel me please step by step how did you instal OMV?
after few tries and few recoverys with serial console i manage to do “Debian Stretc” based on https://fox-exe.ru/WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Mirror-Gen2/, but when im trying to instal OMV i always get an errors. have try few instructions that i found on google.

Best regards

Try to follow the procedure I prepared.
I tested with kernel v5.10.109 and debian bullseye.
The guide is on github /gisab WDMC-Ex2