WD Live Netflix instant queue unavailable

steve_e wrote:

Netflix has been available in Canada for 2 months now on other devices like Wii.  WD has been dragging their feet on this issue.  Netflix was one of the main reasons I purchased the WDTV Live Hub after the gumball at the BestBuy shack assured me it would work. Back to surfing Mediafly and UTube.


WD never told you that Netflix would work in Canada, nor have they committed to making it work.

Supporting Netflix.ca likely means upgrading the API to the latest version used by the Wii, PS3, Roku, etc.  That can’t be done overnight and, given the raft of other issues the various Live units have been suffering, it’s understandable that the firmware team has its hands full.  That doesn’t make waiting for a fix any easier though…

If you want / need Netflix support now, you should return your Hub and buy a unit that the Netflix website shows as supporting streaming in Canada.

I also experienced the netflix error and after reading this thread, I did a “return to factory settings.” Now when in my WD menu, Netflix, Youtube and Flickr are not even options!  Any ideas?!

I am an ■■■■■ and didn’t realize the firmware update changed the menu setup. So diregard, the second part of that message. Seems to work fine now. I hope the netflix queue error does not return because fixing it was a pain in the **bleep** for me.

danik wrote:

I am an ■■■■■ and didn’t realize the firmware update changed the menu setup. 

Hee hee… You aren’t the only one who fell into that.  ;)  

No worries!  

So far, NO ONE has reported this issue returning since it was fixed a while back in early Beta. 

Actually, I just had it happen to mine. So, I’m guessing I deactivate? 

You can do a reset on the box, which it will kill your configurations.  So, you will have to reactivate your Netflix account.  It happens to me every once in a great while.   But the original issue of this thread has been long since fixed. 

I will close this thread since it’s so old.