WD Discovery replacement

Now that WD Discovery is gone, I would like to know if there are any good replacements? I try some sugestions (Tailscale, GoodSync, Freefilesync…) but the main problem are that in all situations I have to keep the main PC working (where is the Local Access)! That´s not I want! With WD Discovery I use my MCH in a lot of devices and sync without problems my files.
So i´m asking: are there any similar software to replace WD Discovery?

Thank you for reading


The problem is that WD has not opened up the My Cloud Home for running third party apps and currently does not allow Tailscale to be run on the device itself even though it is quite capable of doing so. There is a thread on the MCH Ideas subforum on this very subject.

If persistent Tailscale subnet routing is required, a router like device such as the Brume 2 (MT2500) below that runs Tailscale natively can be used to replace the Tailscale subnet routing function of the PC so that the PC need not remained powered, something like this is the most affordable unit that will run Tailscale subnet reliably. This is a low power device that functions well as a Tailscale subnet router and is one of the first router device that comes with Tailscale built in (has to be turned on in the features; there is a thread on the gl-inet on how this could be used as a economical NAS.

brume2 $58 amazon on Prime day, 2023

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it seems that I have to forget this Device and find another solution more similar to the previous software.
I can´t understand why WD decide this, but for me I´m done!