WD Discovery 3.4.89 and macOS 10.15 Catalina Support

Everyone, can you take the time to read and consider helping me? This seems to be the only group of people that care about regularly updating WD customers, even more than the WD staff! Ludicrous.

Anyways, I just bought a MyBook 6TB drive. My goal was to sync this with my Dropbox folder. It worked before I updated to Catalina. Now, Dropbox has updated itself to work with Catalina, but when I attempt to select MyBook to be the destination for my Dropbox folder to sync to, Dropbox refuses to sync to it.

My question is simple: is this due to MyBook’s lack of general cloud support with Catalina? Or is the issue everyone else is having simply for Cloud Home? I don’t use Cloud Home, I use Dropbox, so you can see that I feel like my situation is a bit unique on this forum. I’m just trying to find an answer as to why DBox refuses to sync with MyBook now that I’m on Catalina.

Thanks everyone, I’m not a computer expert at all, looking for real help. Thank you :slight_smile: