Hi All,
I’ve gone through this forum and realised a prominent issue associated with the mycloud is the use of an USB external hard-drive. I recently purchased a Western Digital Elements, desktop variant, USB drive. Originally the drive was formatted NTFS, however I have now converted it into ex-FAT. Unfortunately, mycloud dashboard recognises the drive however it sees the drive as 0 bytes.
I was wondering, other than pluging it into the usb3.0 port, is there anything i missed. The drive works on all macs and pc
(vista and win 7).
A. Lin
is there anything i missed.
The WD My Cloud device supports the following formats for externally attached USB drives:
- FAT32
- NTFS (read and write capability)
- Linux Ext2, Ext3/Ext4
I plan to keep a My Book Studio permanently attached to MC so I choose ext4.:smileyvery-happy: I am able to share contents witn Mac Book Pro, Linux, & Win 7
Thanks guys,
I apologise for missing the support of ExFAT, thought i saw its support. I’ve reformatted my drive to Mac Journalised, It seems sometimes when i try to transfer files (where large singular ones or multiple (thousands) of small megabyte ones the mycloud seems to time out or give me write errors (when writing to the external). As a consequence it tends to write 0 kb files and causes the Mycloud drive to be irresponsive (thus requiring rebooting via removal of the power cable). Is there anything i could have cocked up.
What method are you using to transfer files? (Hint: don’t use the MyCloud app for anything other than remote access)
filezilla over FTP and a lan conection is the fastest for me. I get about 23mb/s over lan with a .mkv movie file. Or 2-4mb/s with Wifi 2.4ghz or 5ghz not much wifi differeance in speed.