Upgrading to larger hard drives on MyCloud Ex2 Ultra

It’s JBOD not JABOD, and I know how RAID 1 works.

RAID 1 mirrors all file changes instantly, so any changes to a file will be instantly mirrored to the secondary drive. My point about the dangers of RAID 1 has nothing to do with being able to remap bad sectors or detect drive faults.

  • File edited by a user... mirrored
  • File deleted by a user... mirrored
  • File corrupted by a program... mirrored
  • File encrypted by ransomware... mirrored

In other words, if anything screws up a file, those changes are instantly mirrored to the secondary drive, and there’s no going back. Backups don’t have this problem.

My Cloud and the word resilient should NEVER be used in the same sentence, and the misconceptions about RAID will never cease to amaze me.