Update openssl on MyBook Live?

I recently upgraded to a MyBook Live from a MyBook World Edition II. The first thing I did was upgrade Twonky Media Server, as that’s how I had it on the World Edition but then I thought I’d see if I could get the new MyBook to do any additional work for me, such as automating downloads.

So I managed to install SickRage from the github repository. I’ve been using it under Windows so I’m familiar with how it works but I started afresh on the MyBook, rather than export/import the database. At first everything seemed fine - it connected to Transmission and successfully detected the episodes already on the MyBook - but when it came to actually searching for torrents to download it started throwing up error messages which, according to the SickRage Wiki, come down to openssl being out of date - it requires 1.0.1 but the installed version is 0.9.7.

Is there any way I can update openssl? ipkg upgrade does not work, so 0.9.7 must be the latest version available there. I’ve tried installing it manually but that just threw up a whole bunch of errors and did not complete successfully. Is there anything else I could try?


I don’t have any ideas about this because i have never tried it. But lets see if any other user has done this before and can share some experience with us.

The closest thing I have found is this other thread on this forum - Any interests in Kernel 4.0 on My book live?

And also this tutorial on doing a clean Debian installation on a MyBook Live - https://www.schwabenlan.de/en/blog/2015/04/06/clean-debian-install-on-mybook-live-nas

These both sound like things that would enable the installation of later versions of openssl but I simply do not have enough knowledge personally to understand what I would be doing if I followed these. My Linux knowledge is pretty basic and has mostly come from following tutorials to the letter to install additional apps on my last 3 MyBook NAS drives and also some beginner Raspberry Pi work. I suppose I could always restore the MyBook Live from a disk image if anything went wrong but I just don’t think I’d be able to get it up and running as a NAS drive with SickRage, Transmission and Twonky from scratch on my own. I might have to upgrade to a MyCloud for later openssl support.