Transmission doesn't work at all

Can you try that ??

Step by Step :
1- Login to NAS => Settings => Network
under “Network Services” enable SSH (JUST for the changes and at the End Disable it again)

2- open PowerShell (run as Administrator)
3- write “ssh sshd@yourIP” - ask for password and then login
4- write “cd /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/Transmission/config”
5- write “ls” (just to check if you can see settings.json) if you c you continue …
6- write “vi settings.json” (vi is a is a text editor)
7- look for that line rpc-bind-address:your IP
8- press “i” for insert mode (i is let you to Edit the file)
9- change to “rpc-bind-address:”
10- press ESC to exit insert mode
11- write “:wq” to save and quit (need to type :wq )
12- write “pkill -HUP transmission-da” then Enter (to kill transmission running)
13- go to admin and stop/start transmission
14 - close SSH mode

15- on Browser paste that “http://your/ IP:9091/apps/transmission/web/”

16 Success !!! hope it Help