TimeMachine and Big Sur

My best option that I use, is go to
1.Finder, Go → Connect to Server…
2. Type in your server name or IP as afp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or afp://testhost.local
3. Connect as guest or with your name, depend on how you set the folder permission for TimeMachineBackup

  1. Go to TimeMachineBackup and select that TMB back that you connect from above. Put your mouse over the folder to make sure it is afp://xxxxx not, repeat not SMB://xxx

If you use SMB connection it will not work.

Hope that help.


@jebusx Attempted … result: “The backup disk image could not be created.”

Isn’t AFP deprecated or even removed on Big Sur? Not to say Time Machine over AFP?

Could you show me the screenshoot

@jebusx Which one? The TimeMachine error is the same as the previous screenshot. I’ve not figured out how you got a screen shot and hovered the mouse at the same time.

In either case it looks like your sample afp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/backup

OK, I see your screenshoot
For the mouse just hover and then press “Command+Shift+3” for the whole screenshoot or “Command+Shift+4” to select area of your screenshoot.

Update - No feedback from WD on my support case.

I did one quick test using M1 mac mini Big Sur latest beta
to WD EX2ultra

worked and was much faster than other intel Mac mini BUT
the second backup gave same error you all are seeing.

PLUS i lost remote access to that timemachine share tell I erased all parts of the old timemachine backup on the NAS.

have not done any more testing

I have the same issues, but checking the log on the WD EX 2 Ultra, I found this.

How does guest authentication fail?

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I also saw that error. When I double checked I had logged on the drive as a registered user. The fix was to log out, Remove the drive from Time Machine and then add it back again ensuring that you’re logged off the drive.

Ok, I’ll give that a go. I’m not sure it will help though…

Jason Reece
07508 113608

Update - I found this posted in the Sophos Home release notes on 1 Dec.

Time Machine backups to NETWORK locations are currently failing when Sophos Home is installed on Big Sur macOS 11 - This issue is currently under investigation by our development team.

To confirm this was the cause of my issue I uninstalled Sophos and attempted timemachine backup to the EX2. The back up worked as expected.

To ensure that Sophos was the source of the conflict I reinstalled it. Timemachine backups ceased to complete.

It appears that Sophos is the current source of my Timemachine issues.

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Ok, I can confirm that I have Sophos Commercial installed. I’ll talk to them too and see what they say.

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turns out Sophos [mine was free version for home] was the culprit, either remove or backup in safemode. Apparently Sophos are aiming for a fix in March 2021…

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This threat was a great read. So glad this was solved (I’m in the middle of TM backup myself)

Solution: The latest release of Sophos Home (10.0.4a1) resolves the issue. I’ll also note that TimeMachine backups to my EX2 Ultra are significantly faster than to the USB drive that I was using and overall MyCloud OS5, BigSur 11.3.1, and Sophos Home (10.0.4a1) appear to have significant performance enhancements.