Themes: SteArm 1-8 (Final) - 1st March 2015

Hello linguaccia22,

I have altered the theme to use any background. Just add your backgrounds using the options button in Photos.

Setup > Appearance > User Interface Backgrounds > Your Backgrounds

I have added the Linksheets/thumbnails icons from AlaskaDARK_DRIVE_ICONS by JoeySmyth to the theme. They are disk-0, Elements, SEAGATE500, TERABYTE1, TERABYTE2 and WDTVLiveHub.

You can rename any of these files to name of your hard disk (case sensitive) or add your own jpg image for the hard  disk and delete the file extension. Then re-zip the theme at the lowest compression setting (store).

The Linksheets/thumbnails icons don’t work in Gallery view.

AlaskaDARK_DRIVE_ICONS by JoeySmyth

I can’t help you about the last part, sorry.


SteArm 6.2 (linguaccia22) (RV-BG).zip (340.21KB)