Software Update - WD SmartWare Version 1.6.4 for Windows (10/10/12)

Can someone please send me version

Thanks so much.

Everything was working fine.  I upgraded to 1.6.4 and now my backup will not start.  It just sits there and and never runs!!

Was this release ever tested??

I just updated the WD smart ware today. Upon restarting my dell computer, my computer hard drive was no longer recognized. It is as the computer hard drive crashed and I’m not content just replacing the computer entirely because it is too obvious what the cause was. Has there been any similar issues or answers. Thank you for your help.

I’m hoping other, more knowledgeable members of this community will respond to your query with a better answer for you.

Based on my own experience ( See posts from headscratcher starting from:, I would conclude that there is probably nothing physically wrong with your hard drive. I am not sure what you would need to do to get it back working, except to go through the chkdsk utility. That may repair your Master Boot Record.

If you are experienced with Linux, you may run your computer from a live Linux CD, and try to bring up your hard drive that way. If you have another computer available, you may want to network it to your Western Digital drive, and see if any of your backups are still present on the “MyBookLive” Drive.

In my case, I thought my computer’s hard drive had died, so I went out and bought a new one. I installed Windows 7 and started from scratch. I had backed up most of my stuff on other media, so I didn’t loose too much data. Reinstalling all my programs was another story, though.

As far as a response from Western Digital, they should at least inform existing and new purchasers of this product to refrain from installing 1.6.4. Perhaps the words, “Class Action Lawsuit” might get their attention.

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In other theads regarding version, somebody responded that there was a way to fixed the problem of greyed out tabs by installing this older version. It said

Re: Smartware update[ New ]


‎03-23-2012 09:18 AM

In the newest version,, you must click in the external drive icon, from the Home tab, in order for all tabs to become available.

Can somebody put up a picture on the external drive icon (as in the smartware screen), I don’t seen to see it anywhere. My system Windows XP does not seem to allow an older version downgrade.




*Some* files over 50MB got backed up, at least the first time.  But most didn’t.  No rhyme or reason it seems.  And waiting does no good . . . the version 1.6.4 for Windows SmartWare works all night chewing up machine cycles, yet accomplishes nothing it seems.

Also, granted I have an old CPU (1.6MHZ Athlon), and only a gig of ram, but I’m consistently seeing around 70 percent CPU usage by the WDSmartWare.exe, about 10 percent by the WDBackupEngine.exe, and another 6 or 7 percent by the WDRulesEngine.exe.


Bill_S wrote:

WD is pleased to announce the release of its WD Smartware update for Windows.


You may post your experiences in this thread.

 so bill is there any news on when smartware will be fixed im really tired of v1.5.1.6 hogging up my processor, and 1.6.4 keeps asking for a username and password that i dont have ive tried every possilbe passoword and NOTHING works. And yes the .net 4 framework is installed on all of my clients, PLEASE get back to me

Theagustin wrote:

Bill_S wrote:

WD is pleased to announce the release of its WD Smartware update for Windows.


You may post your experiences in this thread.

 so bill is there any news on when smartware will be fixed im really tired of v1.5.1.6 hogging up my processor, and 1.6.4 keeps asking for a username and password that i dont have ive tried every possilbe passoword and NOTHING works. And yes the .net 4 framework is installed on all of my clients, PLEASE get back to me

I’ve passed this along, and will let you know as soon as I get some feedback.

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Thanks Bill I appreciate it