Rename Mycloud Home?

1- Can the drive be renamed so it doesn’t also include serial number? As shown under PC Network? If so how…


You could refer to the following link: Rename My Cloud Home?

Larry means that after following the steps in that article, in your Windows explorer the device is still named something like MYCLOUD-UHSAF8. How does one change that? With my older ‘My Cloud’ device I was able to do this easily, but can’t find a way to do it with the ‘My Cloud Home’.

Same here.

How can one add shares to WD My Cloud HOME?

Did you ever get a solution to this? I have bought an new one due to desupport and my Adobe Lightroom catalouges are linked to a defined device name \xxxxxxx. If I can’t chnage this my catlogue for tens of thousands of files is defunct. It was easy on the OS3 device.