Raid degraded and both disks degraded

I have WD my cloud Ex2 .
Raid 1
2 disk 2tb each.

According to the current situation raid and both disks degraded.

Please help me how to recover data.

If could replace first drive with new disk. Would data be recovered?

Can you remove the drives and show us a SMART report for each?

I don’t know if this will work for you:


That is not the full smart data.
WD NAS default diagnostics are notoriously unreliable.

You want to run SMART diagnostics using the app described here.

If the disks are less than 2-3 years old; I doubt there is anything wrong with them. I think if the disks are getting older; the NAS might automatically declare them bad. (not sure on that)

Regardless: I presume you can still access the data?
You need to create a backup for all the data on the NAS - -using standard copy tools.
(you would get this recommendation regardless of NAS drive health)

: I presume you can still access the data?

In that case, I would resort to “Plan B”

Plan “B” is to enable SSH; and looking into the drives using a program like WINSCP. From there, I would attempt to copy off all the files from the NAS to an other disk. (Do this with a wired, not wireless connection to your network; or else it will be SUPER slow)

If that doesn’t work; go to Plan C:
Pull one disk; put it in a SATA enclosure and attach to a PC. (or install into a desktop computer)
The disks are formatted as EXT4 (Linux)
Obtain a Linux driver for your PC and use that driver to access the disk.

At this stage (or any stage), I would not mess with a Raid Rebuild or replacing drives until you secure the data.

I went through Plan B, however while downloading the data, NAS stopped responding.
but ping responded. what should I do?

Reestablish the SSH connection and try again!
If you can’t re-establish; reboot the NAS

Transfer in small chunks so if it crashes; you have a good idea of how far it got.