Prevent MyCloud from scanning files when Cloud Access is enabled


Good to know that my diagnosis is correct to your case

Let me first ask you. What is your camera? Mine is a Canon 6d. May be this is a problem specific to that camera, who knows

Before I suggest you what to do to solve the problems, It would be nice to check if the photos that are getting stuck in the ufraw-batch process are in the portrait orientation like mine.

First place, You can check the processes that are running on the device logging in in the dashboard, in the main page there is a little cpu graph, click on that, then click on process. You should see something like this:

Click on “CPU %” and the process will be organized by use of CPU. If you have any thumbnail being generated, one of the following process will use CPU:

  • “wdphotodbmerger” - generate thumbnails for .jpg photos
  • “ufraw-batch” - generate thumbnails for .CR2 photos

BUT! Thats is the thing. If you have a CR2 files that got stuck, 2 ufraw-batch processes will show as 0% CPU, but both with 50.1 of RAM.

My knowledge on linux commands is zero, but I got this on another thread. To check the scanning process you have to ssh the device and use the “ps” command. The guy tried to taught me how to use "ps|grep " but I couldn’t get it right. I just typed “ps” and a list of process showed up. If your device has the ufraw-batch working. You should see something like this:

7731 root 9856 S N convert -define jpeg:size=192x192 /shares/Volume_1/PEMA-8TB/Photos/Viagens/Ferias 2013 - Turquia/IMG_3281.CR2 -auto-orient -strip -background #000000 -quality 80 -filter box -resize x192 /shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/PEMA-8TB/Photos/Viagens/Ferias 2013 - Turquia/transcoded_files/IMG_3281.cb62bbdd389b48898f2e5244977cb2c5.jpg
7747 root 252m D N /usr/local/wdmcserver/bin/ufraw-batch --silent --create-id=also --out-type=jpeg --out-depth=16 --output=/shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/magick-uRiqtq0W.png /shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/magick-ocOdPJMr

11893 root 9856 S N convert -define jpeg:size=192x192 /shares/Volume_1/PEMA-8TB/Photos/Viagens/Ferias 2013 - Turquia/IMG_3055.CR2 -auto-orient -strip -background #000000 -quality 80 -filter box -resize x192 /shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/PEMA-8TB/Photos/Viagens/Ferias 2013 - Turquia/transcoded_files/IMG_3055.cb62bbdd389b48898f2e5244977cb2c5.jpg
11899 root 252m D N /usr/local/wdmcserver/bin/ufraw-batch --silent --create-id=also --out-type=jpeg --out-depth=16 --output=/shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/magick-gKQBNDh9.png /shares/Volume_1/.wdmc/magick-3Bgn07va

You can see 2 CR2 files being scanned. I typed the ps command for 2 days and the files being scanned were always IMG_3055.CR2 and IMG_3281.CR2, indicating that the process was stuck. Then I decided to rebuild the cloud database (on the settings section of the dashboard there is a option for that) and kept checking the process with "ps"command. As the device start to scan jpg photos all over again, the folders being scanned changed very quickly, the device generated thumbnails very fast. Thousand of photos in just 1 hour, until it get back to the folders that have .CR2 files. The CR2 started to being scanned at 1 file/ 5 minutes may be, slow, but it was working, until it got in those same files IMG_3055.CR2 and IMG_3281.CR2 and got stuck again. When I Reached and opened those files, They were on portrait orientation. I waited for more 2 days, nothing happened. I deleted those 2 files reboot, and rebuild the cloud database again and the device did all over again until it got stuck in the next CR2 file that were on portrait orientation.

So after that test, I was sure that the device can scan CR2 files slowly if they are in landscape orientation, but it can’t get over or skip if they are on portrait

The workarounds that you can try is:

1 - Convert to DNG - That worked for me. I converted 650 CR2 files into DNG using Lightroom, and uploaded again. The device scanned them very fast and now it is very quiet, almost sleeping. But it is a pain in the ass having to convert everytime you upload
2 - 1 - Delete all CR2 from your device
3 - Change extension of the files to avoid them from being scanned

And I hope this thread get read by lots of people, specially Cannon users. I can’t even imagine how many people are having this same issue, with a ■■■■■■ performance because just a single .CR2 photo. I have read dozens of threads with people returning their devices because of poor performance. I don’t know but, maybe my diagnoses would fit in all those cases. What can we do to pin this thread to get more views?

What intrigues me is that I am just a regular guy, I don’t even know how to use linux commands. How the hell I could diagnose all of this by my self, and WD don’t? All they have to do is to eliminate those ufraw process because we are not getting thumbnails from cr2 anyways.

WD should fix that man, it is unbelievable.

PS: Sorry about my English I am from Brazil