Plex Update needed

Yes it is.
We finished the beta and plex is working perfect on MCH

Could you confirm if hardware transcoding is still working in Plex without a Plex Pass? @Ashy999au

I would have no idea how to check that. Please let me know how to do it and I will try and confirm it

Can confirm the Plex copy mine is running

Okay, first you need to check if it’s enabled in Plex settings>transcoder.

Then, play any media and in the player settings set it to convert to any quality, like 480p.

While it is playing, open a new tab in your browser and go to Plex settings> Control Panel and show more details. There should be the media you are playing with the type of transcoding is doing (hw or SW).


Si no podéis acceder con un cliente Plex a vuetro MyHomeCloud, no aparece, aparece un triángulo con una adminaración, o no responde, esto es lo que he hecho yo por si pudiera servir de ayuda.

Ayer estuve peleando con el software Plex de mi MyCloudHome y este es el resultado.

Al parecer, desde que se actualizó el firmware de la unidad, el servidor Plex se había desconfigurado.

Activar y desactivar el servidor no funcionaba. Intentar configurarlo desde la aplicación de MyCloudHome, tampoco.

Así es que, rebuscando por internet vi cómo acceder por web al servidor de MyCloudHome.

Si tenéis el problema mencionado, probad esto:

  1. Buscar la dirección IP de la unidad, por ejemplo, mirando en el router de casa la lista de direcciones DHCP.
  2. Entrar en la siguiente dirección desde un navegador.:http://<dirección IP>:32400/web/index.html
  3. Activar DLNA (en ajustes en la sección con el mismo nombre, Ajustes).
  4. Añadir biblioteca (desde ajustes en la sección Administrar).

Y ya estaría. Yo tras esto probé en varios dispositivos, y PLEX, volvió a la vida.

Espero esto pueda ayudar a alguien.


See attached images

Let me know if you want me to get any other info for you.

@Ashy999au Thanks you very much! Nice to hear it still works.

Could I ask you to look for one last thing? In Plex, Authorized Devices, which OS version is Plex reporting? Just curious about what version is going to ship in the next update

It should look something like this:

Thanks (again) in advance

I take it this is what you are looking for?

Yes! So it looks like 100% we are moving away from 32bit android to a Linux distro (maybe 64 bit?). Don’t know what that 8.1 means though (the newest Linux kernel is 5.15). Maybe they are doing their own distro.

Anyway, at least now it should be easier for WD to get Plex updated, since Plex themselves publish periodic Linux versions. Maybe it runs even faster since their distro should be less bloated than a custom android version.

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i could not access my MCH plex server since 48 hours, is it down ? am i the only one encountering this problem ?

8.1.0-172 is the beta version number.

I will post a plex version. its for intel 32bit. latest patch

Just bought/installed a My Cloud Home 8TB, for use as a Plex server and in-home NAS. I expected to replace an older 4TB My Cloud unit.

Not only is the Plex binary outdated, but the migration MyCloud → MyCloud Home does not work! In its infinite wisdom of deploying a Very Bad OS5, WD broke the discovery functionality supporting backups between MyCloud and MyCloud Home devices. The webapp configuration settings are dumbed-down beyond usability. Creating users on the device, and shares, have lost the ability to customize. Want to assign a reserved IP address? Forget it.

It’s getting returned to Best Buy. I’ll revert to using Plex on a re-tasked Mac Mini with storage on a 4TB USB drive.

WD has become a supplier of ■■■■■-boxes - devices that can’t outsmart the dumbest consumers. Ever watch ‘Idiocracy’? WD functionality mirrors the Carl’s Jr kiosk.

It’s been a while, no response from WD?

Still waiting for update news…

Their support really ■■■■■. WD is beaming Plex, and Plex WD. This is a never ending loop

Hello. I have an issue.
I have My Cloud Home 4gb, PC and Samsung q60t TV. They are all wired - hardlined to router.
I have 2 plex servers - one on my PC and one on My Cloud Home.
My problem is this.
I cannot play bigger files from my cloud. what is bigger? For example - movie Dune - 16 gb. 14,6 Mbps 1080p. 4k won’t even start.
Meanwhile, streaming from my PC works, no matter the size, so I guess it’s not internet speed issue.
Smaller quality files work, but this was bought as media server and i have solid TV, I would like better quality.

So, does anyone knows what seems to be the problem? Internet, plex plugin, MCH disk speed, Plex settings…
I’ve enabled direct play and checked “disable bitrate limiting” in options, as well as set “local” and “remote” quality to “Original”, but maybe some other options…?
Has anyone been able to play 4K from MCH?

Firmware updated, Plex app updated, issues remain the same….
-problems with HEVC and any 4k files
-problems with audio formats
-even supported files are buffering, and I have really good internet speed (giga)

Massively disappointed. This is unusable as media server.

Somebody knows if this version is already out?


I got the update today! Plex version It took a while to load it.

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