Everyone, Thanks so much for the feedback and Rod, thanks for testing!!
I knew i could use the phone directly to the wireless Audio reciever, but i didnt mention i wanted to store movies on the Wireless pass port drive also. I dont think all that will fit on the phone… I wanted to be able for the kids to connect to the drive and play movies on their Nook’s, or tablets… so i was hoping i could store all my music too on the dirve also…
Thanks for the 3rd party apps suggestions, i did not know they existed…
The stereo aux input is hidden so wanted to do the wireless thing for that connection…
So, i sounds like in a nutshell, the DNLA capabilities is what makes this all work…
I can now take ALL my movies and music with me to the boat, vaction, long road trips without having to choose and copy what i think we will want to watch and hear…
Mike, I wont be fiddleing with the music, my kids will be, this is so i dont have to keep changing the CD player all the time, they can do it themselves now :-) , piece and quiet for dad… well, at least they wont be bothering me while i am clearning the boat… Is there an app for that !! :-)
The boat is a large cruizer , so the bouncing shouldnt be an issue, ( I knew there was a reason i spent all that money on a big boat :-) )
The distance between these components will actually be 20ft or less, i am using wireless becuase of accessabilty and lazyness… :-)
I have the power requirements all figured out, there is a terminal strip right by the existing stereo i can use 12VDC to USB cable.
Any more comments/ideas are appreciated, but i think i will be buying my Wireless Pass Port drive and Wireless audio reciever and giving this a try… maybe this holiday weekend if i can these in time… i will post back and let you know how it goes… Thanks again everyone…!!!