New WD Community Features

What are the minimum browser requirements?

The new WD Community is based on a JavaScript application designed for the next 10 years of the Internet, so the minimum web browser requirements are high:

  • Internet Explorer 10+Google Chrome 24+Firefox 14+Safari 5.1+
  • We do officially support Internet
  • Explorer 9, but some functionality will be unavoidably broken.

What tablets and phones are supported?

The new WD Community was designed from the start for high resolution displays and ubiquitous touch devices. We automatically switch to a mobile layout for small screen devices.

  • Mobile Safari, iOS 6+
  • Mobile Chrome, Android 4.1+
  • Mobile IE, Windows Phone 8 or later

Optimized for Reading
To keep reading, just keep scrolling. When you reach the bottom, suggested topics keep you reading.

Express agreement, support, and highlight interesting posts with the prominent :heart: button on every post.

Summarize Topics
Use the Summarize button to condense long topics to just the most interesting and popular posts.

Inline Context
Expand quotes, expand replies, or expand what this was in reply to.

Translations are available for 17 languages and counting. Users can switch to the language of their choice as a preference.

Real Time Notifications
Know when someone replies to you, quotes you, mentions your @name, sends you a private message, links to your post, edits your post, or re-categorizes your topic.

Overlay Editor
Compose with an overlay editor which never interrupts your reading – even if you navigate to a different topic.

Rate Limits
Rate and content limits for all user actions; stricter for new users.

Automatic URL Embedding
URLs to popular websites like Wikipedia and YouTube will include an inline summary. We fully support OpenGraph and oEmbed.

Advanced Image Handling
Add images through upload, drag and drop, or copy and paste. Large images are automatically thumbnailed and lightboxed.

File Attachments
Include arbitrary file attachments of any allowed file type or file size in your posts.

Link Tracking
External links are shown with a visible click counter. Incoming and outgoing links to other topics are displayed next to each post.

Create quick poll topics for the community to vote on.

Tags that hide potential spoilers, revealing only on click or tap.

Flexible Formatting
Mix and match Markdown, BBCode, and HTML formatting in posts.

Just start typing “:” and you have access to the complete list of standard emoji.

Local Avatars
Built-in local avatar generation with no external dependencies. Alternately, select an existing Gravatar, or upload a custom avatar.

Automatic Drafts
We auto-save replies and topics to the server in the background as you type.

Wiki Posts
Mark posts as collaboratively editable by any trusted member of the community.

To encourage positive community behaviors through badges.

Email Notifications
When you aren’t active on the website, your notifications will be automatically sent to you via email.

Email Replies
Reply to email notifications to post without visiting the website.

Flag Queue
Highly visible moderator flag queue with optional email notification. One click to agree, disagree, or defer flags. Complete history.

Private Messaging
Send private messages to a single user or to groups of users.