New software

this is what we have from now :frowning: only a new integration with ElephantDrive and no more

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not yet, at least not for me

Are we sure that the mentioned docker support was not just to make it easier for software providers to add their approved apps to the Do More store? Did WD commit to allowing user accessible docker containers, or are we misinterpreting the release notes?

I just received the update on my cloud home Duo… same firmware 8.2.0-132

I just noticed only on the web site my cloud home, do more, you can import Facebook Google photos dropbox Google drive. After the update you must reactivate the imports of you want.

The import is missing on the android app.

Elephant drive shows on both.

I will check on the windows WD Discovery in a few hours.


WD is joking us? New BIG update with even less capabilities?!!!

I would prefer to wait and see. i agreed to a beta firmware so supposingly and hopefully in the near future we might see a better integration with apps… hopefully even a direct connection to the my cloud home even without an internet connection?

any new feature? i haven’t received new firmware yet

I just noticed new firmware 8.3.0-114 on my Cloud Home Duo.
Any details on this update?

My device is my cloud home (3T)
Firmware version 7.16.0-220
When will I receive the new update?
Or where can I see it?

Are you a beta tester?

if you read up… you might have received an email with a link to a module to participate in the new firmware limited public release. I do not think you can enroll anymore. I believe to be more of a guinea pig rather than a beta tester :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

However it seems to work good at the time being. Looking forward for a few things promised and still missing:
Gpl source code for this release

not promised but Possibly wanted offline access and control and also Linux access…


to na espera de algo novo, mas ate agora nada. tive outra atualização esses dias, mas nada de novo queria um sincronização melhor. nossa voce salva o arquivo do celular, demora um ano para baixar para o pc. e tbm sincronizar entra pcs.

I see there is a lot of confusion about the update, so I try to clarify some things. This update doesn’t gonna change a lot for normal users, the docker access I believe is for developers, to add more apps to the “do more” section. I open this thread hoping that someone share the new firmware kernel, or the disk image to see the new changes. Nobody answered my petition so I go back to the original firmware with some sata spare disks that I have so I no lose my data. I repeat, normal user doesn’t gonna see any changes (at least not for now, until new “do more” apps appear). Advanced users like the ones using Entware, they can ditch now entware and install an ssh client on debian to install samba or anything they like (it’s not that easy because it’s a stripped version of debian). And finally users like me, that are using a clean debian os, without wd apps, now I made some tests and finally had media encoder working (to change Android to Debian, they need to ditch android MediaCodec, and now are using the Realtek libraries). Still I gonna wait to the sources, so i can build my own kernel an ditch the awful “sataa” naming. Maybe I’m wrong about the changes for normal users, but the probability is that I’m not. WD doesn’t want you to have more control over your data, on the opposite side, they wanna all the control possible, that’s why they make a “cloud system” so capped but relatively cheap.

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Received another Update a few hours ago firmware release 8.4.0-138



I didn’t realize this thread existed until now. I opted in for the early beta release and got the update sometime in late January or early February.

I bought my MCH primarily for a lower priced Plex solution (with some cloud storage on the side). The new firmware included an updated version of the Plex Media server (which I had been anticipating for quite a while). Sadly, the update broke Plex. After a couple of weeks the server stopped being able to see my media. The server ran fine, it just couldn’t see the media anymore (which is located in a different space/partition than the server). After rebooting the device it worked again, but then the next day it would lose visibility to the media, reboot, rinse and repeat. I even tried to reinstall Plex, but after a few days the problems started up again.

After doing some digging, it seemed like the media was being mounted into the /mnt directory in the rootfs and it was unmounting randomly. I decided to open a ticket with support and after several weeks of runaround, first claiming they couldn’t download my publicly shared logs from my Google Drive even though my friends could, being sent a link on how to setup Plex even though I’d been using it for a year, to getting shuffled around to different agents, I just gave up and bought a Synology. It just makes more sense to me to have the ability to use more apps and docker and such.

After the near full day of remote downtime back on Jan 25th, I would rather have a cloud device (a true NAS) that doesn’t rely on a 3rd party relay. I suppose this device is fine for the casual file storage type of people, but ended up not being enough of what I needed. Hope they fix the problem with Plex before the public release.

I never had a big problem with plex except on most updates I needed to reconfigure it.

Today I noticed yet another firmware update 8.4.0-139

It would be nice to know more about it…


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yet another firmware update 8.5.0-118

any news about it?



I believe it has nothing new, just bug fixes and cleaning up all android related stuff that was still around. The last update (8.4) was only that. I think they are preparing for the final launch, but there is nothing interesting. In the afternoon I’m gonna boot with the new kernel to see if I see something new.

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I don´t see a lot of new things from last version, finally the kernel don´t have the terrible sataa denomination from android (i´m not sure in what version they change it to sda), but the kernel doesnt have support for NFS or ZRAM, so i´m still waiting for the source code. If someone is interested in connecting to the MyCloudHome Duo trough ssh, it looks like the new firmware executes a script to load ssh from USB, the script is system_init, and this is the extract that looks like it load a ssh binary file with the options from USB, I´m not sure if it is useful, but i leave it here just in case:

    if [ -e "$CONFIG_PATH/enable_root" ]; then
        # Always try to copy sshd and pubkey from USB to data path, so that you have chance to replace wrong cert or change pubkey.
        echo "[validate_start_sshd] Root privilege is enabled, try to search $SSHD_BIN from USB..."
        LOC=$(find /mnt/USB -name "$SSHD_BIN" -maxdepth 2 -exec dirname {} \;)
        if [ -d "$LOC" ]; then
            echo "[validate_start_sshd] Find $SSHD_BIN at $LOC, copy to $SSHD_PATH"
            mkdir -p $SSHD_PATH
            cp "$LOC/$SSHD_BIN" "$SSHD_PATH"
            cp "$LOC/$SSHD_CERT" "$SSHD_PATH"
            cp "$LOC/$SSHD_PUBKEY" "$SSHD_PATH"
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8.5.1-101 now