New Release - Firmware Version 1.11.14 for WD TV Live Streaming Media Player (9/6/12)

When making a theme, we could edit “video_run.xml”, to change the video playback information during play/pause.

This no longer works in the new FW.

N1 knows what’s the new file name used?


  • EDIT #1 -

It’s also broken in wdtv live HUB: Attention Themers

One big feature of wdtv are themes and now even that is falling apart…

WD please fix this.

  • EDIT #2 -

Thank doubleO8 for finding the new file name: video_run_buf.xml

WD, changes the default theme in new FW, but once again does _not_ update the GPL source.

I really don’t understant, why they don’t release the updated theme source, after a FW update.

It’s the only way to develop themes in wdtv and this is an anounced product feature :frowning:

WD, please make sure this doesn’t happen again and again and again…