N900 - Remote Access issues

Hey, WD Community.

I recently got a MyNet N900C, and almost all of the features seem to be working perfectly. However, when it comes to trying to access it through wd2go, I am met with nothing but problem after problem after problem.

  • First issue I’ve been getting is that it demands I sign in to an authorized account, despite the account already being authorized on the device. 
  • Second issue is that on the rare occasions where it seems it will work, Java will no longer allow me to access it, even after adding it to the list of exceptions, due to failing security checks.

Can anyone help with these two issues? I’m guessing rolling Java back a version or two will fix the second issue, but I’d rather not unless it is necessary (and in that case I’d rather just not USE Remote Access)


Take a look at this guide made by another user. Hope it helps.
