MyCould latest firmware version mismatch


According to, the latest firmware version for the MyCloud is 04.05.00-334.

However, my device found a new firmware recently, which I updated to. The version is 04.05.00-342

Is this a “silent” update, or did a hacker fool my device into updating to another version?

Thank you for your replies.

Firmware 04.05.00-342 was released 11th September 2019

Oh, thank you, didn’t notice that.

The pinned thread in the MyCloud category still shows version 334

WD for what ever reason sometimes doesn’t update the pinned threads at the top of the My Cloud subforum to reflect new firmware. They do however usually have an entry update in the News and Annoucements subforum:

Or one can see the My Cloud Support page where one can manually download the latest firmware and manually update their My Cloud.