MyCloud storage icon on Windows Explorer

Hi, dudes.

I just bought a 4tb My Cloud. I also have a 3t MyBookLive. On Windows Explorer, there is a icon to the MyBookLive that look like the divice, but the icon to the MyCloud is a Windows generic Icon (no-icon, actually). I have 3 computers, so it is the same problem on Windows “7”, “8.1” and “10”. My device is working perfectly well, the only problem is this ugly icon that makes think about some system error or such. Please, see the print screen: green arrow is MyBookLive, red arrow is MyCloud :frowning:

Could anyone help me to make Windows show a beatiful icon to MyCloud as just it shows to MyBookLive???

Thank you very much!

Pérsio Menezes

That’s strange, as the media server (Dispositivos de Midia) has picked up the correct icon.

You should be able to change the icon. On XP, it’s right-click/Properties/Customise/Folder Icons/Change Icon

I don’t know where you would find the right icon…

I do not have any computer with Windows XP :persevere:

But you have other Windows machines. They probably work the same way…

No. I can not choose the icon in “7”, “8.1” neither “10”.


goto C:\Windows\System32

look for file: WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_1.dll
make a copy of that file and rename it to WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_0.dll
put it back to C:\Windows\System32

now yo have two files WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_1.dll and WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_0.dll in system32

It’s an uggly fix but my icon was now displayed correctly.

Hope that helps


Hellow, proxima5!

Worked!!! Thank you very much!!!


Hi, @proxima5! I have bought a “My Cloud EX2” and I am getting the same problem on Windows 8.1. What is the name of the .dll file to this device (My Cloud EX2) that I have to change to get the right icon? Thank you!

Hi everyone, just want to say many thanks to proxima5 for this solution, copying the DLL to the previous name WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_0.dll in system32 solved the Windows Explorer blank icon display of my WD MyCloud 2TB. Amazing tip. Running Windows 7 x64 SP1 etc.