Mycloud keeps falling off the network

I can power cycle it and it comes back on, but only for a few minutes. I’ve tried rebooting, the 4 second reset and the 40 second reset. It will work for a few minutes after do any of these, but it falls off the network again.

I originally had it on a router in a remote building, but I’ve now moved to the main router. This didn’t make any difference. While it’s up I check for the latest update and it tells me I’m current. I’m running out of things to try.

The other problem is that even if I want to replace it, I can’t get the data off of it because it won’t stay running long enough.

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If you haven’t done so already, you may want to see a similar discussion to see if there is anything discussed in there that could help your situation:

What does “falling off the network” actually mean? Is the device no longer listed in the router’s DHCP client list (usually found on the router’s administration page)? Is the My Cloud no longer reachable by it’s IP address? Can you reach the My Cloud Dashboard using a web browser? What color is the front LED? Are you using a single bay/single drive My Cloud or some other multi bay model? Note the My Cloud Home is a completely different device with different features and options.

As a troubleshooting step, have you tried putting a network switch between the My Cloud and the network router? In certain rare cases there is a conflict between certain ISP provided routers and the My Cloud.

My Cloud is not recognized when connected to AT&T Uverse, Pace, Arris, Ubee or Sonic Gateway Routers

Also note that if using Windows 10, ensure SMB1.0/CIFS is enabled since Microsoft typically disables that option in recent Windows 10 updates (or in new installs of Windows 10).

How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10

I am having the same problem, SMB 1 enabled, connected through a switch (even though prompted by WD support I also tried a direct router (Netgear Orbi) connection, same difference). The thing is accessible for a few minutes up to an hour or so after a power-cycle (no other way to reboot), then no dashboard (“Connection refused”), no ssh (just hangs there), no file access, no cloud access, nothing. All three LEDs are solid blue, lots of network traffic on the NIC LED.

Here are some more, similar experiences. Maybe one of the suggestions works for you. They did not for me.

What I mean by falling off the network is that I can no longer access the files. It is showing up in my active client table, but I can’t view the files in Explorer. I have it set for DHCP, but I have the IP and MAC address reserved for this device. At one time I had it set for static, but this seemed to work better and has for several .months.

Are you able to see the My Cloud listed in Windows File Explorer? Are you getting a specific error message if you try to open the Shares on the My Cloud using Windows File Explorer? If so what is that error message?

If the My Cloud disappears from Windows File Explorer can you still access the My Cloud Dashboard (ex: http://wdmycloud or http://wdmycloud.local) using a web browser?

When it fails, I can see WDMYCLOUD under network in Explorer, but when I click on it it just times out and never opens the folders. It does give a window message, but I just reset it and it’s working right now. I believe it just says it can’t access the drive.

When it fails. I can’t get into it via wdmycloud with a browser. Ordinarily, i can.

Does the front LED change color at all when the unit drops from the network?

Do you have any third party modules or any mods done via SSH running?

As another troubleshooting step. You could try turning off the running services like the; DLNA (Twonky) Media Server, TimeMachine Backup, Remote Access, iTunes Server. To see if they have any affect.

Also, one should check the Diagnosis section in the My Cloud Dashboard if they can to see if there is anything show up as an issue there. Also check the Dashboard Alert (mycloudnotificationicon ) to see if any warnings or errors are being listed there.

And as mentioned either here or in the other thread discussing a similar issue, one could download the My Cloud logs to see if the logs show anything that would be the cause to the network disconnects.

Also if one hasn’t tried it already, try putting a network switch between the My Cloud and the network router to see if that affects the issue.

The front LED remains blue. I run backup software called Veeam. I’m little suspicious of that and I now have it turned off. So far I’ve been up for a couple of hours. That said, I’ve been using this for for several years and it’s worked fine, up until about a week ago. I had already turned off all of the services you mentioned.

I’ll look into the logs. Maybe that will show something.

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.

I don’t currently have my devices powered up. So I don’t know the exact words. But when you do have dashboard access grab the logs. There is an option on the dashboard to grab the logs. Once the loags are on your PC you can look at them to see if any problem is detected.

There’s a notification bell at the top. I did a factory restore yesterday afternoon, so most of the logs were deleted. I did have a failure this morning and here’s is the message. The power loss was me power cycling it. So far, it’s still running since disabling the Veeam backup software.


File System Check Failed or Has Detected Errors

Edit to add: For most NAS devices, its a remote possibility, but not properly shutting down the device and just power cycling it can cause write errors to the hard drive. This is particularly a possibility with the single bay/single drive My cloud units since the hard drive holds the operating system files and possibly some additional elements like the cache.

I thought I had it fixed. It ran for several hours, so I decided to start a backup. It ran until 4 AM, but quit with the same error as noted before. I tried the 4 second reset. That did nothing, so I power cycled it again. I agree, that’s not a good way to reset it. I’m running another backup now, but I’m only 4% into it. We’ll see.

Backup of what? The My Cloud or something else? Was this the Veeam program you mentioned earlier? Does that program run on the My Cloud or an another computer or device?

also not sure its been asked/answered but what specific My Cloud device do you have? A single bay My Cloud (not My Cloud Home since that’s a completely different device) or a multi bay My Cloud?

Veeam Agent runs on my home PC to backup my files to the Mycloud. It’s a single bay, 6TB drive. It’s generally located in a remote building away from my house. Right now is sitting next to my PC.

I backup my important files to it on a daily basis. I’m starting to wonder if maybe it’s trying to backup a corrupted file and that’s what’s kicking the Mycloud off the network.

If you were running the Veeam Agent to backup the PC to the remote My Cloud (before bringing it home) how was either the Veeam program or the home computer connecting to the remote My Cloud? FTP or some other method of remote access?

I have ethernet cable running to a different router at the remote location. It’s all part of a home network.

I hope that answered your question.

Try this: WD EX2 Ultra unreachable after a while - #21 by MonteChristo

I finally got it working by deleting a corrupted file. A full backup then worked and several incremental backups after that. I took the drive back to my remote location and I could no longer see it on the network. Okay, maybe it’s my router, so back to the house. I plug it in and the blue light continues to flash and when I try to login via dashboard, it tells me it’s doing a file consistency check and continued this for close to 24 hours.

I try to login again via dashboard and this is what I see.:

This is a 6TB drive. All of my files are missing including my backups, music, etc. . I’ve about had it with this thing. It just doesn’t seem reliable enough to be used for backup storage.

I’m also not sure why it shows a caution. This is the diagnostics screen.

As a troubleshooting step you could try seeing the drive’s SMART values using SSH. Not sure if this will work on a second gen single bay My Cloud due to the different firmware used, but on a first gen the following (when run via SSH) will return some SMART information.

smartctl -H /dev/sda

Even though the Dashboard > Diagnoses says everything passes or is OK. The above command shows a “marginal” issue with air flow.

Everytime I try and login now, I get the following message:
Power was lost from the system. Performing file system consistency check. Please wait.
And it just keeps running and running. How long does this normally take and is there anyway to stop this?