My Cloud OS 3 App Doesn't Support .HEIC Pictures

I just bought a new My Cloud EX2 Ultra, and I am disappointed to discover that the app (My Cloud OS 3) does not allow you to view photos that are stored in the .HEIC format, which appears to be the standard on iPhones for some time now.

I’m glad that the app is backing up my pictures, but it is pretty useless to have a photo browser if I can’t see 90% of my photos.

Searching these forums reveals that this has been a problem for years. Is WD planning on fixing this soon, or should I just return this drive while I still can?

Thanks for your help.

Note, there is a specific subforum for the EX2 device.

My Cloud EX2

There are many past discussions on the fact that the My Cloud app for iOS does not support HEIC that can be found using the forum search feature (magnifying glass icon upper right).

The My Cloud Support Knowledgebase also has an entry indicating that file format is not supported. And details how to change the settings to use the supported .JPEG and H246 .MOV formats.

My Cloud iOS 11 and higher Camera Support

There has been a request, going back to 2017, for WD to add the HEIC format to the app in the WD Software & App Ideas subforum.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write up that information–it was really helpful. Switching my phone to producing .jpgs instead of .heic is a workable solution for me. Thanks again for your help.