My Cloud Not being recognized

So I went through the forum and found some topics relevant to my issue. However, nothing has helped so far. My OS is windows 10 and the smartware is able to recognize MyCloud for a brief period after a reboot. It then loses the connection and the error is Network Link is down or Power loss detected.

Can anyone help me please?



Do you by chance use AT&T Uverse? If so, are you using one of their routers/gateways? If yes, then put a switch or hub in between the My Cloud and the Uverse router/gateway. There are others who have reported weird problems with AT&T Uverse router/gateways and the My Cloud. One such thread:

No. I use Cox Cable. I tried deinstalling and reinstalling. Nothing helped.

When you indicated “the error is Network Link is down or Power loss detected”, what program is giving you that information? Smartware, Windows File Explorer, a web browser?

When you do get that error what is the status of the LED lights on the back of the My Cloud where the network cable is connected? Are both lit up? Do they flash? What about the status light on the front of the My Cloud? Is it blue when the error occurs or does it change to some other color?

Other things to try:
Try to access the My Cloud Dashboard when that error message appears, or access the My Cloud with Windows File Explorer.
Try accessing the My Cloud from another computer if the previous one looses access.
Replace the Ethernet cable between the My Cloud and router with a different cable.
Check if other network devices are loosing network access at the same time or were just turned on at the same time the My Cloud lost access.
Try a different network port on the router.
Check the router’s DHCP client lease time to ensure its not set to a low number.
Perform a 4 second reset on the My Cloud.
As indicated above try putting a switch or hub in between the My Cloud and router/gateway.


A lot of things to try, :smile: The error is from WD notification. SmartWare would show the WDMyCloud once in a while and drop it a little later. The funny part is the SmartWare works fine from another computer that also runs Windows 10. Only difference is this runs Windows10 enterprise and the first one runs Windows10 home.

  1. Dashboard always works
  2. the 2nd computer has always worked
  3. since the 2nd computer works, is it useful to try replacing the cable between the cable modem and the Mycloud?
  4. I have not had problems with other devices at home
  5. I will try this.(a different network port)
  6. lease time is set to 3600 (default)
  7. Will try the 4 second reset after I have tried step 5.
  8. if steps 5 and 7 do not work, i will try this.


One computer accesses the MyCloud just fine. One doesn’t.

Where do you think the problem lies? With the MyCloud, or with the computer that can’t access it…?

You need to compare network setting between the two computers, and find out why your windows enterprise machine is unable to access the MyCloud. If there’s a cable problem, it’s between the enterprise pc and the router.


thanks for the comments. It is the enterprise machine that is able to connect successfully. both the desktops are on wireless.


That is what we call a clue. :grinning:

Check the settings of the Windows 10 Home machine, if that is the machine having trouble with Smartware, to see if there is something different et there than on the Windows 10 Enterprise machine. Check for things like NetBIOS over TCPIP not being enabled, or the network being set to Public rather than Private.

Also sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling Smartware (under the computer administrator account) on the problematic machine may fix weird issues.


I did check the NetBIOS setting. It is same on the both the machines. Network is PRIVATE on both the machines. Changed the port and tried the 4 sec reset. Neither helped. I have uninstalled and reinstalled SmartWare several times. It did not help either. One thing I forgot to mention is I activated the SmartWare Pro on the machine where I am having issues now. The other machine runs the basic version. I tried moving the Western Digital folders from the working machine to the non-working one. I also tried matching the registry entries. Did not help. Only thing I have tried from your list is the hub thing, which i will try as soon as possible.

I do not know how to deinstall the pro version. I tried the regular way, control panel. But when i reinstall SmartWare, it is already upgraded/activated to the Pro version.

What is the Smartware Pro version number compared to the basic Smartware version number? Are they the same or different?

wow. the vesion # is the same on bothe the machines. But the machine where it is working has the “Upgrade to WD Smartware Pro” link at the top on the SmartWare screen.