My Cloud home strobe light

I have purchased a my cloud home from a reseller on ebay. The drive powers on but after ~5 secs of breathing (that’s normal), the drive has a strobe light. The drive didn’t come with the power adapter therefore I had to buy a new one. Upon looking at western digital guides, I found out that strobe means incorrect power adaptor. Please use adapter from box. I don’t have this adapter and the only plugs with that voltage are knockoffs that won’t work either. Is there any way I can force it to work with the power cable? Thanks in advance for any help

Where have you checked for Power Adapters that should work? My recommendation is Best Buy or check Office Supply stores.

Power Adapters for Western Digital Products (

Return the item to seller on Ebay.

You didn’t say which country you are in, but in some countries in the EU, there are better buyer protection laws to help you. There could be another half a dozen reasons that the item you bought from Ebay is defective. That is why you were given the answer in the other thread you started recently:

In case you still don’t understand, the unit you bought on Ebay could be permanently damaged. All you had to do was to read the support forum(s) more thoroughly before you buy.

Neither of those stores are in the uk

I used the right voltage and ampage. 12V 1.5A. The only problem is it wasn’t the official charger. The seller is shipping me the cable after I reported the problem to them. Also, the item was tested as fully working by the seller

I have looked up your purchase in the sold listings on the ebay uk site and I can tell you that a seller who sells socks and clothing was not going to test the My Cloud Home for functionality even as he didn’t have a proper power adapter to start with.

For the £77 you paid for your MCH, you are being penny wise and pounds foolish, to use a British expression. The My Cloud Home is a low end consumer device with a limited lifespan that is unlikely to last more than 2 to 3 years if used in constant service as a server.

You will be better off paying more, even in the highly seller profiteering environment of the UK, for a better unit like the one below from a more reputable retailer with a warranty, perhaps even a factory warranty that could apply in the UK which you have to confirm with the seller: