My Cloud Home is Offline

First time that has been mentioned. Try using a different location in the Country* field (try United States for example) if it doesn’t allow upload.

This is not rocket science. The debug logs tell a lot about the state of the drive and firmware (FW) update. For example, with a look into the OTA update debug file, one could see whether a FW has been updated successfully. The last OTA updater log will show what version the My Cloud Home (MCH) is running.

Be aware that a lot of dated information which is being offered. The latest improvement in the MCH firmware has made most of what is being mentioned obsolete, for example the dated KDDFS file system is no longer being used for storing new content and the file names are no longer obfuscated on the HDD. There are detailed information right here on this forum on how to ‘shuck’ a MCH without breaking it or your fingers, just search for ‘shuck’ in the MCH subforum section. For those outside of North America, to ‘shuck’ is NA English to remove the outer husk of a pod or an ear of corn.
