My Cloud disconneted itself from network

I previously reported success avoiding disconnects using a modified version of Pavel’s crontab solution. This is an update after the recent firmware upgrade. Recapping my experience trying to resolve frequent network disconnects:

  1. Newly purchased WD My Cloud disconnects from network every 3-4 hours requiring hard reboot.

  2. Disabled sleep mode - disconnects continue requiring hard reboot.

  3. Static IP - disconnects continue.

  4. Installation of crontab at 5 minute interval - disconnects continue.

  5. Installation of crontab at 1 minute interval - no disconnects. Connection maintained 3+ weeks.

  6. Removal of 1 min crontab as a test resulted in a disconnect within several hours. Re-install crontab - no disconnects.

  7. Upgrade to latest firmware v03.03.01-156, crontab removed during upgrade - disconnect within 4 hours!!!

  8. Reinstall 1 min crontab - no disconnects 3+ days.

I have no explanation for why the 5 min interval was unsuccessful at preventing disconnects but the 1 min crontab works flawlessly. I plan to experiment with different time intervals.

I am very much a novice who benefitted from the detailed posts of others. Hopefully my step-by-step will be useful to someone else. 

  • enable SSH in Dashboard Settings > Network

  • google then download puTTy.exe

  • run puTTy, enter the IP for the My Cloud, check SSH, click Open.

  • accept the security disclaimer. You only see this the first login.

  • login in as ‘root’ with default pw ‘welc0me’ (that’s a zero).

  • at command prompt enter ‘crontab -e’

  • arrow down to first blank line and enter: 

            • date >>/DataVolume/shares/Public/date.txt 2>&1
  • make sure there is a space between the *'s, between the last * and ‘date’, after ‘date’, and before ‘2>&1’.

  • CTRL-o to save

  • CTRL-x to exit edit mode.

  • exit to close putty.

A very small file will be created in your Public folder and will be updated every minute. Hope this helps someone.