My Book not recognized in Windows

My ‘My Book’ EXT HD suddenly wasn’t recognized anymore by Windows. Just gone. I searched and searched but no solution to this problem. The weird thing is, when i plug it in my desktop with WIN10 it won’t show up anyway, same for my laptop with WIN10. But if i plug it in my lady’s Macbook, it pops up and everything is still on the disk. I noticed on the forums here a lot of people are having this problem?! My Book: Suddenly not recognized

I also tryed different cables, ports etc. Nothing seems to work. I would love to get my disk and data back.


As a recommendation, take the data out of the drive on the Mac and reformat the unit to make it fully compatible with both systems.

I think you are not having the same issue as the link that you provided. You are saying that you are able to see the drive on Mac and the files on it.

See if the following link helps

Did not work.

I just had this problem and was able to solve it. There was a WD security icon on the desktop. I clicked it and it prompt me to enter my security password. After I entered it, the My Book drive just magically appeared… I hope this works out for someone else. Good luck.