Moviesheets, my one issue

Using moviesheets with my Hub and the only 1 thing that drives me crazy is when you play a movie, the little thumbnail you get in the bottom left corner is a ‘squished’ version of the sheet rather than the movie thumbnail itself.  I know it only lasts for a few seconds but drives me crazy.  Is it possible to correct that?

When using gallery view, I presume it draws the thumbnail and focused thumbnail by cropping/grabbing the corner shot of the sheet where the thumnail section is.  Perhaps this can be done… any ideas??

I have managed to stretch the movie sheet out to the correct proportions by editing  the video_run_xml, but now instead of the thumbnail I have the full sheet, only smaller, looks better than before, I have also positioned it above the movie title .

Tried using a negative value for the x value but didnt work, was hoping to push the sheet far left thereby cutting off the movie description and art leaving just the thumbnail showing but it didnt work.

Hey HomerJ,

Just a little hint, as I’m not working with moviesheets I can’t give you the exact “How-to”, but you will have to delete the "scale=“100” "  and add "align=“left” or “right” or “top” depending on the location of your thumbnail in the moviesheet.  Also, and I’m going from memory here, you’ll need to add "scale_type=“pan”, then figure out the ratio for the thumbnail and use that for the width and height.

But using "scale_type=“pan” " should allow you to scale the thumbnail by the height then use the width to cut off what ever you don’t want shown.

Hope this helps.

P.S.:  Just FYI, using a negative value for x or y only sets the postion to a negative postion on the screen, but if there is no “align” in the line, then I believe it defaults to “left, center” for the x, y start postion.


Thank you very much, I got it.  I used the following code, applied your changes:

<image image=“@@file_album” default_image=“@@default_thumbnail” x=“70” y=“445” w=“127” h=“180” scale_type=“pan” scale=“100” align=“right” />

and it worked out perfectly.

Thanks greatly

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Thank you both.

Good call HomerJ, it was a bugbear to me as well. :slight_smile:

Hi HomerJ

I couldn’t  agree with you more it drive me nuts too. As I am new to this, could you please tell me how and where I have to go to change the values you recommend also does this work with every theme or just the theme you are using.

Many thanks.

Its just this theme.

Basically because of the way its setup, the cover is used from the moviesheet, but the only picture file is the full moviesheet itself.

All this does is crop and adjust the picture so you get a folder picture rather than a squashed up moviesheet when playing or pausing a movie.

Just go into the theme folder and find video_run.xml and change the data.

What theme are you using

Many thanks for your help

Ah sorry thought you were following the theme.

Bear in mind if you have not started with it, you will need to make moviesheets for all your movies. And as I said before because of the very clever trick Tony has used, the moviesheet and the cover are one, hence the need for this tweak.

Its this one.

The theme I am using is Finalanodizedcustomisedmoviesheettheme1.2.2v2 is there anyway I can modify this theme so I don’t get the squished thumbnail of the moviesheet when I press to play the movie.

Many thanks

You have to included the video_run.xml in the themes list of xmls, if the xml is not there then the HUb uses the default.

So I added the video_run.xml and did the following, I only included a small section of the full xml:


<image h=“180” w=“127” y=“445” x=“70” image=“@@file_album” align=“right” scale=“100” scale_type=“pan” default_image=“@@default_thumbnail”/>

<text h=“48” w=“740” y=“567” x=“210” delay=“2” speed=“1” align=“left” textcolor=“0xffffff” fontsize=“44” text=“@@filename” auto_translate=“1”/>

the section in yellow is what was edited to crop the thumb out,

I adjusted the h=“#” and w"#" also to give me thumbnail size I wanted.

The <text  section is the movie title text, I adjusted it’s x and y values to get the position I wanted, I also changed the x and y values of the <image  to properly position it.

This should work with your sheet provided it’s thumbnail is to the “right”

I am using Joey’s Aeon theme and his thumbgen sheet, I did make changes to the thumbgen sheet and added a coloured transparent  background behind the writing so it was more legible regardless of background. and added blu-ray cover.

Thanks to Joey and TinW for their help and hard work.

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the theme you are using does not have the video_run.xml in it so you must add it , get it from a theme that has it, like Legacy theme and then mod the xml.  Also as stated you need to be using thumbgen sheet, which I assume you are since you are getting the “squished” look.

hi im using firetix_clemery’s_mod_ultimate_movie_sheet_livehub template for my moviesheets.

the cover artwork is on the left so can i do it that when i play the movie the artwork comes up and not the squashed moviesheet???

thanks lee

Good call to homerJ for spotting this, must admit i hadn’t really noticed it until i tried it out.

thanks for raising this small problem and thanks TW for solution!

whilst playing around with HUB i have also noticed that the same problem occurs when you press ‘options’ button- squished folder view in top right hand corner!

Any solution to this chaps?

leeharl wrote:

hi im using firetix_clemery’s_mod_ultimate_movie_sheet_livehub template for my moviesheets.

the cover artwork is on the left so can i do it that when i play the movie the artwork comes up and not the squashed moviesheet???

thanks lee

yes you would just need to adjust the positioning:

<image image=“@@file_album” default_image=“@@default_thumbnail” x=“70” y=“445” w=“127” h=“180” scale_type=“pan” scale=“100” align=“left” />

then play with the x,y and w,h to your desired look. Just open"video_run.xml" live from the hub. edit that line using notepad++ and save. turn on hub and test. if you see a position issue, press home button on remote. tweak numbers in xml and save. test again. Key is between tweaks, you must return to the homescreen for the hub to recognize the changes made.

architectonic wrote:whilst playing around with HUB i have also noticed that the same problem occurs when you press ‘options’ button- squished folder view in top right hand corner!


Any solution to this chaps?

I noticed this too and also if you click on the “view Info” within options.

You will notice in the options list there is an option called “rescan info” and it has an arrow to the right. I downloaded the Moschi OSD theme and found this image: images\video_option_rescan_info_n.png

Then I search every single .xml file in the OSD for code referring to this imaage. Figured it might atleast get me into the correct .xml. 785 .xml files later and not 1 refers to this image. Im stumped.

That’s so annoying  Drizzt, thanks anyway- maybe someone else can shed some light?

You mean this is on the info page? when you clicl view info for a movie etc?  Will have a look, I never select info anymore since I use moviesheets.

yeh HomerJ

Look top right of screen after clicking options button.

hope you can resolve this little bugbear issue!

Just to clarify , when looking at movie list, clicking info on movie brings up an options page for you to view info, rescan info, view youtube trailer etc.  Yes for me it is distorted also, the xml for this page is option_menu_page.xml,  this appears for me in the the top left corner not the top right, probably theme related. 

applying this edit:

<image image=“@@option_menu_thumbnail” default_image=“@@option_menu_default_thumbnail” x=“70” y=“47” w=“138” h=“138” align=“right” scale=“100” scale_type=“pan”/>

will correct it, note that the size of the  image is w=138 and h=138, this will need to be tweaked also.

Clicking view info on this pages options menu gives the meta data, I think the xml to edit in this case is metadata_view_info.xml , I havent had a chance yet to verify but will when I get time.