Mapping a network share OS 5 ex4100

Hello All,

Just purchased an EX4100. I have had a 4TB my cloud for years and am very happy with it. I am able to access the 4TB from my local network and via my phone with no issues. I purchased this EX and am trying to get it set up. I need some help. :sunglasses:.

I can not seem to set up and map a network share. My computer can see the device, I have set up a couple of test shares, tried different settings, set the IP to staticā€¦ When i try to open the device I get an error that windows cannot access the device. Remote access via my phone works. I find it hard to believe that I have to add all my files thru the OS5 portal? The portal also limits the file size to under 5GB, Whats up with that?

I have also tried using WD Discovery, I had an old version, which didnā€™t see the new device. I tried the newer version and it wants me to plug in a USB device. It also overwrote my old version with out asking.

I have many files I would like to transfer from the old my cloud to the new EX4100.

I have the device set to JBOD and am using Windows 7 Pro.

I will do my best to answer any questions you may have, I am an experienced user, clear back to my old TI99 and commodore 64, anyone remember those?



You can change in manage network the samba parameters to smb1, sm2, smb3.

See this topic OS5 PR4100 BUG PROBLEM since update from OS3 - #6 by michelv
or this [SOLVED] OS5 upgrade, no longer able to access PR2100 from Windows 10, CIFS: Authentication for user [user] has FAILED

Thank you for the response, still not working.

I noticed the time was incorrect and I fixed that. still no joy.

i haven even seen an Authentication prompt.


I have add credntiel in windows with user pass and name of server.

thisl ink

Did that, still will not let me in.

is there any way to undo this os5 upgrade?


I guess I made a mistake upgrading. I know OS3 works. This does not. There seems to be precious little documentation out there on this problem. I have spent hours trying to fix this to no avail.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Ah - changed credentials.

So windows 10 really doesnā€™t like having multiple credentials (passwords) associated with a single device/ip address. For example; windows wonā€™t like having two shares on the NAS with different accounts.

You might try going into credential manager in windows and nuking all references to the NAS.

First time you access, it should prompt you for user name/pw

Ok, I got this working. Did a full reset of the device. It did not however restore to full factory condition. Things like static ip, and sleep mode settings did not revert.

Plugged it all back in and it started working.

It does not show up consistently in my network tree, unless I click the top of the tree and then it will show up. I do however get an authentication prompt now- now to just remember the password :thinking: .


@myouden : Glad you were able to resolve your issues. Which option did you select for the ā€œfull resetā€ of the device?

I chose the ā€œFULL RESTOREā€ option.

@myouden : That is strange, a full restore should restore it to the factory defaults, and will delete the data on the drive as well.This is not quick and can take a few hours depending on the size of your drive.

Yes it took a long time. I donā€™t know exactly because i sleep days, I started it this morning around 7 and it was finished when i got up at 2.

now you have OS3 or OS5?