Local USB "There's no media in the current folder"

Hi Forum,

I have a no media in current folder error with my WDTV Plus. I searched the forum and googled for hours but everyone seems to have this problem with network streaming or the suggestions don’t work for me.

My media is on a Seagate 3TB USB Drive which is connected directly to the WDTV, no ethernet cable in use, everything local.

This setup worked for three years now. Two months ago, some subfolders began to have the “no media” error, but most of the files worked. Now I get this error in the root and I am not able to play a single file.

The USB drive is formatted with ntfs.

What I noticed:

  • I also get an error when I choose USB Storage in the menu (right before it would show the folder structure where now the no media error appears). It says “Unable to create media library. check your storage setting”.

  • the .wd-tv folder in the root of the disk always has the last changed date 01.01.2000, all other files have timestamps from the last 3 years.

  • When I go to file management on the wdtv I can see all my files and folders. I can even delete and copy them around.

What I’ve done so far:

  • Updated to the newest firmware, nothing changed.

  • Plugged my USB disk to my laptop and checked it for errors. This took 48 hours and there where 0.0% errors, destroyed blocks or something.

  • Played around with the folder structure, copied files to other folders… I also read that there has to be at least one media file in every subfolder, otherwise wdtv would come up with the no media error. So I did this → nothing changed.

  • Deleted the .wd-tv folder on the disk many times. Played around with the “create media library” setting on the wdtv. It can create a media library (the .wd-tv folder), despite the error “unable to create media library”.

  • Permissions on all folders and subfolders on the USB drive are full control for everyone.

  • When I plug in a 16GB usb flash drive with some video files on it everything works fine.

could it be that there are some currupted files that wdtv can’t read? If so, how could I detect them?

Has anybody occured the same sort of problem?

Thanks in advance,



See if the following link helps.
