Local access disappears

So, local access suddenly disappeared recently, and now the drive cannot be accessed, it says there is no drive called \WDMYCLOUD. I formatted my computer, complete fresh install, where it worked for one day and then did it again. My idea is that it’s some sort of bug caused by the drive almost being completely filled (only 9gb left on the drive), but I don’t want to delete anything on it unnecessarily. Anyone with any experience in this?

My MyCloud is the 3tb model, and I use FW 2.30.181

Have you tried accessing the My Cloud using the My Cloud IP address? One can check the local network router’s administration page for what IP address the router is handing out to the My Cloud.

Is your My Cloud connected to your router or your computer? If it is connected to your router, when this happens have you tried a reboot of your router?

What type of computer or device are you using and what operating system?

Have you tried accessing the My Cloud using the My Cloud IP address? One can check the local network router’s administration page for what IP address the router is handing out to the My Cloud.

That I have. Except that the database pie diagram no longer distinguishes between file types (all files are labeled as “other”), nothing seems out of the ordinary. Have tried rebooting, currently running a system diagnostic test, but not counting on it showing anything I can use. It’s taken 7 hours now, though. Is this standard?

Is your My Cloud connected to your router or your computer? If it is connected to your router, when this happens have you tried a reboot of your router?

It is connected to the router. Yes I have, several times.

What type of computer or device are you using and what operating system?

My computer is a standard Lenovo laptop, and I’m running Windows 10.

EDIT: Allow me to note that I have had my MyCloud NAS for a little over a year now, using the same computer, and the same operating system, and then this suddenly happened. As I have recently formatted my computer, and the exact same problem is apparent, I can’t come to any other conclusion that it is a MyCloud issue. Just where the issue lies is beyond me.

Do you have any other computer or device you can use to see if the local access issue is confined to that one laptop?

If you are using Windows 10 there are a number of suggested things to check in the following post. In particular Windows 10 Specific Method 1 through Windows 10 Specific Method 5.

Also check if your security software/anti virus software/firewall software is blocking local network access.

Wow, okay, I think I just realized what you meant by accessing through the IP. It worked wonders. Thanks a bunch.

That’s usually because the indexer isn’t running. Have you disabled any of the services on the device? If you have, try turning cloud access off and back on again; that restarts the indexing and thumbnailing tasks.

That’s usually because the indexer isn’t running. Have you disabled any of the services on the device? If you have, try turning cloud access off and back on again; that restarts the indexing and thumbnailing tasks.

Did not work, I’m afraid.

Unplug drive , and router for at least ten minutes. Power up drive wait ten minutes, repeat if needed.