LED problem?

Same problem! Green LED is not lit. But during full test I saw it for a while. Test passed. To send drive from Czech rep. to Germany costs circa 25 euro! Drive is allmost new!




Just looked at LED a minute ago and its working again !!!

Holy cow.

What a relief to see green LED again.

I have no idea - why didnt it work just 1 day ago and when it started to work again.

I did not reboot drive during this time and did not changed anything in system.

I will test later if blue LED also works.

Nice one.  :slight_smile:

jazzymood wrote:





Just looked at LED a minute ago and its working again !!!


Holy cow.

What a relief to see green LED again.


I have no idea - why didnt it work just 1 day ago and when it started to work again.

I did not reboot drive during this time and did not changed anything in system.


I will test later if blue LED also works.

Send me a private message if this goes out again.

I’m still not tested blue LED yet (my NAS is under load for almost all the time 2 days now), but I think when I woke up this morning and drive was on stand-by for short time and blue one actually was not working… (i will reconfirem this in next 24h hours), but green LED works! Thats a fact.


Update of info - got up this morning, drive was finally in stand-by and blue LED light  NOT working unfortunately :frowning:

Green works as soon drive gets in to “working mode” .

Any ideas how i can safely test if its hardware failure with blue light led color or its something with script failure or something? I never changed anything in monitorio.sh.

Interesting. There is even a setting to turn off the LED(s).

echo off>/usr/local/nas/led_color

Just a a thought…  Could it be a fault with the Linux configuration on your NAS?  As soon as plugged mine in and turned it on I got it to update itself so if it is a software problem then for the first few minutes I may have had the same issue but it never got noticed.

Of interest…

LED light controlling


Update on issue status please.


Your post is blank. Are you using IE9?


My previous post has been deleted due to my Internet Explorer version (IE9). This why I repeat my question sent from Mozilla this time. Please,is there a command to switch the led on again? I tried "echo on > /usr/local/nas/led_color, but nthing happened. I need that LED light to be on again, after I switched it off some month ago. Please helpt with this. Thanks!

Thank you. I repeated my post using Mozilla this time.

Just curious.  Could it be that the brighness has been somehow turned down? Only thing is that max_brightness is read-only also for root and I ain’t messing with it as I’m assuming there is a reason for the permission of max_brightness being set to 444. I don’t know what wakeup does. I don’t know why subsystem exists as if you follow the path the you end up in an endless loop. Again, I ain’t changing anything here because, again I assume, this may break the MBL’s ability to take and install any future upodates from WDC. uevent seems to be blank.

NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led# l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 May 29 23:19 blink
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 May 29 22:27 color
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 65536 May 29 23:19 max_brightness
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 29 23:19 power
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 May 29 23:19 subsystem -> ../../leds
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 May 29 23:19 uevent
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led# cat max_brightness
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led# cat color
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led# cat blink
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led# cd power
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led/power# l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 May 29 23:20 wakeup
NAS:/sys/class/leds/a3g_led/power# cat wakeup


WD Engineering, update please.

Nehptis wrote:

WD Engineering, update please.

From the drives that I received from the hand full of users on this thread, the one of the led lights burned out.  Its not related to a specific color.  These drives were fully functional and you could read and write data to them.  The LED light would be covered under warranty.  You can create an RMA for a replacement.  If you would like a to be sent a replacement first, we offer advanced RMA’s in some areas:


1 Like

Dear  WD , can you provide manual custom solution (should be just some changed in scripts needed) for freaks like me, if I just want to use   red light as my “stanby-mode” light due to blue light not working anymore ?!

jazzymood wrote:

Dear  WD , can you provide manual custom solution (should be just some changed in scripts needed) for freaks like me, if I just want to use   red light as my “stanby-mode” light due to blue light not working anymore ?!

We do not support modifying values in SSH.  Tony did give some insight on the commands.

I know that… but unoficial custom help via PM would be great in my case… if its really just some minor changes in scripts…

I have modified already so much (with knowing what im doing of course) , that i dont care about warranty. Heh.

It is easy.  Hint…  Study /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.sh. You’ll see lines that if the LED status is green then change it to blue and in another place if the LED is blue then change it to 'green.  If the LED is another colour the the conditional statements make /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.shto leave the status of the LED alone. The/usr/local/sbin/monitorio.shwill ONLY change the colour betweengreenandblueIF the colour is set togreenorblue`.

Point of note…  /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.sh is constantly active!  Going round in an endless loop but pausing for a minute using sleep 60 each time and operates under the shell /bin/sh.  (The command ps -AF reveals this.)

You’ll need to kill/stop that process before attempting to modify /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.sh (make a back-up of it first) and then re-start it, obviously so when the root user is logged out that the script keeps on running.

Lines that is of interest to you are:

if ["`cat /usr/local/nas/led_color`" == "blue"]; then
  echo green > /usr/local/nas/led_color

 … and …

if ["`cat /usr/local/nas/led_color`" == "green"]; then
  echo blue > /usr/local/nas/led_color

Now the ever so important disclaimer…  Messing with with the Linux operating system and scripts that make the My Boom Live NAS function may make the network adres stroage drive malfunction, fail to re-boot and/or upgrade. That’s posted on here is informational. The script /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.sh is quite important to the function of the My Book Live’s operating system and, personally, I don’t want to tinker with it because who knows how the next upgrade may operate. The upgrade might wish to alter /usr/local/sbin/monitorio.sh and not simply replace it. If ANY scripts are to be altered then ALWAYS keep a audit of all the altarations and even better, keep version backups so if something does go wrong that one way or another it will be easily possiblt to restore the previous working version. Warranty will be voided if there is a warranty. If the case has to be open then it looks like the MyBookLive has a case that clips shut easily but it ain’t designed to be opened easily. Not without leaving marks to show it’s been opened and a few broken plastic bits. There lie dragons and orcs here. Be it on your own head(s) if you get noticed and clobbered.  :smiley:

Interesting thing I spotted using ps -AF. I had two copied of monitorio.sh active. There should only be one active. rebooting my NAS and now there is one copy of monitorio.sh active. I’ve not fiddled with anything to make this happen. Only thing I’ve done is adjust the winchester drive’s IDLE3 parameter, overall_shares to make the Public' folder read-only without breaking the dashboard's functionality (obviously making a copy of the original) and altering vsftpd.confto hide and deny FTP access to thePublic` folder (making a back-up of the original) and nothing else.

Automatic update if off and I keep a change log so if there is an update I can put the changes back to the original, apply any future upgrade and then put my changes back in place.  The sensible way of doing things.  :smiley:

Did you WD guys determine if these burned LEDs are isolated to batch of LEDs, or if this could be a system level design concern?  (ie, this could happen to some portion of products that are shipped or this can happen to all MLBs that are shipped)

Great question.  I have three 2 TB drives.  The oldest one - no LED lite.  The second oldest - only Red Led on startup.  The newest all LEDs work.

Drives are about 1 yr, 6 months and 3 months old.