Installing FUSE exFAT on My Cloud First Gen?

Hey, hope everyone is doing great today! I am looking for some advice.

Just bought a Samsung T7 portable SSD drive as a laptop backup and by default, it was formatted to exFat. Started copying files to it and did not realise that first gen My Cloud does not support exFAT.

I am currently on the v03.04.01-230 firmware. I may go up to the version 4 firmware but I had issues with the drive when I bought it whilst doing the firmware update (nearly lost all my family photos/bricked drive) that I left it on v3 firmware.

I found this article and I am server savvy as I run websites so happy with SSH etc. but wondered if I would be risking upsetting the OS if I tried this?

How to mount an exfat drive on debian

Any feedback would be much appreciated. I would really like to get my exFAT drive working with my NAS as I have so many files on my SSD now and really can’t reformat it. Happy to copy in the command line and mount the drive manually.

Thank you :grinning:

DO NOT do an “sudo apt update” on a single bay My cloud (v3.x, v4.x or v2.x firmware). You will likely render the My Cloud unusable if you do so. The first generation single bay My Cloud uses customized Linux OS firmware using a different page file size. You would likely have to compile any module (Iike that FUSE module) to work on the first gen’s firmware. It may mean using the WD GPL firmware that can be obtained from the WD Support site to recompile your own firmware with that FUSE module included.

Generally one can update from v3.x to v4.x firmware without loosing any data. But it is always wise to backup one’s data before doing a firmware update on any device.

One option is to connect the SSD drive to a local network computer that does support exFAT and backup the My Cloud content to that SSD drive using file copy programs or programs such as Free File Sync.

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@Bennor Thank you so much for the reply. I have just read about the apt update issue in another post so I did assume that recompiling the firmware was going to be my only option. You have confirmed my suspicions so thank you for that.

I am getting fab transfer speeds on my network from my SSD attached to my laptop to the My Cloud so the problem isn’t really in need of messing with OS for especially after your advice! I am using WinSCP to compare etc but thanks for the link to the Free File Sync, that’s really useful.

I have resisted updating to the 4.x firmware. As you can see from my only other post from 2015 it did not go well…Can access dashboard (just) but mutiple errors after latest firmware update I never really got an answer from WD why I had such issues so it has just been left as is.