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Trying to keep things simple, I was testing to see if I could view video and/or photos via a direct USB connection to a Sony BDP-X800 with the My Passport Wireless Pro. The message given from the Sony is that “no usb device with compatible content is connected” or something to that effect. I have tried this with video and jpg. photos, i have tried with the drive formatted in both NTFS and exFAT and I have tried after removing all preloaded content from the drive. The result is always the same.
BTW . . . a directly connected NTFS formatted flash drive seems to work just fine on the Sony.
Is it time to give up, or is there something else I should try (at least insofar as a direct connection)?
Most of the time, this depends on the USB host interface/Sony BD player. Besides making sure the file system is supported, also make sure the USB host interface meets the USB3.0 standard and provides enough power output to spin up an external USB storage. Also make sure you are using the cable that came with your Passport. Just quickly googled and looks like there are some discussions regarding this on the Sony forum. https://community.sony.com/t5/Blu-Ray-General/Help-BDP-S3100-Bluray-does-not-read-a-My-Passport-USB-hard-drive/td-p/266095
Good suggestions. I will try via USB 2.0 and see if that make a difference. It may be that only flash media is readable. I will report back with success or lack thereof.
The most likely reason the My Passport Wireless Pro is not recognized by the Sony Blu-Ray player is because the My Passport Wireless Pro is GPT (GUID) Partitioned which the Sony Blu-Ray does Not Support. (it only supports MBR)
The following may cause the Blu-ray Disc® player not to recognize the external hard disk drive (HDD).The Blu-ray Disc player can only read the first partition of the external HDD. The supported partition system is MBR. GPT is not supported.
Another problem with that is that MBR has a Maximum Capacity of 2TB … So, if your MPW Pro is 2TB … then no problem, but if it’s 4TB … then big problem.
I see some good people are trying to help, but you went about this the wrong way. You should have asked for help before you embarked on this task. Sometimes a little bir of knowledge can get one in trouble. You are also lucky the Blu-ray did not trash your valuable MPWP. Good luck with this.
Well thanks, but I don’t think I have done anything yet that might cause harm to the device. I think/hope I have enough knowledge to refrain from going down those paths before I know what I am doing.
Curious . . . what kind of harm do you think might have been caused to the Passport Pro by merely plugging it into a Blu-Ray USB port (which is there to connect external devices) to see if the drive could be recognized?
First of all, (according to WD) a MPWP is not designed to plug into a TV or a similar device such as any kinds of DVD players. The only thing a MPWP is designed to plug into is a computer so data can be read from it to stream to devices that can display a movie, pictures or play music, and of course, do disk maintenance (like adding/removing files).on the MPW.
Posts from others here have said their drive was erased or formatted after connecting it to a TV or other device.
I have never plugged my MPW into ANYTHING but my computers. Nevertheless, I can enjoy my MPW media files on many devices, including mobile devices and on my TV You need to learn about the many ways this can be done.
I also have never reformatted my MPW; It is still set to its original formatting… I never tampered with it, and it still works after many years
So, I know you would not have gone down this path if you “knew what you were doing”. Yes, you know some things about this, but just enough to be “dangerous,” unfortunately. Get a lot more knowledge about electronic gizmos for your own benefit.
In defense of the OP … i HAVE plugged my MPW into many devices apart from a Computer … eg. PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, Panasonic Smart TV, WDTV Media Players (Various Models) and Android Media Players.
And had ZERO issues.
There is No Official Warning in any WD Documentation against connecting it to other devices and nowhere does it state that it is implicitly to be used with a Computer.
But anyone attempting it, or weary of doing it would in all common sense have a backup of their data “in case” something goes wrong (this applies to ANYTHING related to usage of a Hard drive)
Just because you would Not “Do It” Mike … doesn’t mean “other” people should not do it.
In my experience, connecting MPW (and all other WD Hard drives i own and have Beta Tested) … i have not, and did not, run into any issues with compatibility with my “Non PC” Devices.
No harm at all Brian, i would have done the same thing … but i always have backups of my data just in case something goes wrong (this is true for connecting my hard drives to Anything, be it a PC, TV, Media Player, Games Console etc etc)
All due respects Joey, but I did not make this up, nor is it my own opinion. I basically quoted something an experienced WD Staff member wrote in the WD forum when asked if it was OK to connect his MPW to his TV. Also, in the user manual there is no mention of connecting an MPW to anything except the charger or a computer. So, I do not stand corrected.
For anyone interested, here is a Google search of WD Community site for mention of “connect my passport wireless to TV” There is even a post from someone who corrupted his MPW by connecting his MPW to TV.
Don’t worry about being blunt with me. My day job is as a litigation lawyer. Bluntness comes with territory. (Screwing up MPWs is just a diversion.)
There are specific instructions on how to reformat MPWs in the official manual. So I don’t think I was out of bounds there.
Since the BR player never even recognized my device, I don’t think there was much risk there either.
There is no way to fully appreciate what the device’s capabilities are, and how it might fit into my own digital lifestyle, without doing some exploring.
proves my point … no wd staff members or moderators advise against doing it, and many people do it without issues with the exception of some isolated cases.
data corruption can happen at anytime and on any device … PC, TV, Media Player etc