Ideas for WD for making MCH better

Sorry for such a long thread, but I think WD R&D team needs to understand the needs of a user, so I have prepared a list of Ideas I need in future updates.

Feel free to comment what you want in My Cloud Home device and I will add them to this list

1. Files that are currently being uploaded should be visible so that user can verify if he has chosen correct file during manual upload

Currently: While uploading anything to MCH via mobile app, name of the file which is currently uploaded is not shown

2. A redesigned Shared Folder is needed. Basic file operations should be allowed to the person with whom we have shared the file. Also an option to copy shared file to private share should be available.

Currently: Shared folder in MCH app is not elegant and takes a lot of time to just open.
Also there are not much options available to the person with whom we have shared

3. A robust method of Photos and videos sorting should be there with an option to exclude specific folders from Photos Tab

Currently: Third party folder contents (like Plex, Dropbox, etc.) are visible on Photos tab, they make sorting very difficult.

4. Samba should be updated to recent version

Currently: MCH is using SMB version 1 for Public Folder which is a security risk, and is not supported by many device manufacturers like Apple

5. A separate tab that keeps track of items shared via link method should be there

Currently: When an item is shared via “link” method, there is no option to keep track of the things we have shared with others

6. Proper support and thumbnail generation of HEIF, pdf, txt, doc, and other common file types.

Currently: Common file types are not supported on WD MCH.
Even HEIF and HEVC file extensions cannot be viewed if manually uploaded on MCH

7. Third party app updates should be available

Currently: Plex and other third party apps are not updated actively as a result many bugs and vulnerabilities are not patched on time.
Even many apps which now do not work with MCH are also shown

8. User should be given other options for accessing MCH such as ftp, smb, sftp etc. for accessing private share.

Currently: WD discovery uses KDD for accessing MCH, but this is very unstable and slow method for read and write. Also since WD discovery is not available for Linux, so using MCH becomes a nightmare for them.

9. Option to auto turn off lights at night

Currently: Lights on MCH are always ON, it is a huge nuisance while sleeping.

10. Camera backup on mobile devices should include an option to auto delete photos from mobile that are already backed up.

Hi @StillCoast,

Please refer below link check differences between My Cloud and My Cloud Home

Hi, @Keerti_01
Your answer is off topic, WD MCH is useless so are you people and don’t copy paste your foolishness here and there

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True, this is the only solution