How to add another admin user

Hello all,

I just got a 3TB My Cloud yesterday. So far I can tell it can be usefull, but I’m still playing with it. Anywho, through some stroke of luck in my initial setup, I had TWO admin users (maybe this happened before the firmware update, but I don’t know).

In the course of straightening out my internet account AFTER I gave the drive a static IP (the web interface kept trying to hit the old DHCP assigned IP) I deleted one of the users so I could resend the web info with the correct IP. When I re-created the user it no longer has admin rights (only the first user I created had admin rights).

Browsing though this forum, I saw that someone mentioned you can create another admin user through SSH. Now, I’m a computer nerd, but I’m not up to guru level yet…

…can someone post detailed instructions on how to add another admin user?

Yes, I know it will void my warranty, but what tech nerd doesn’t void his warranty within the first week of getting a new toy?

Thank you!

Login to shell and perform below. If WDMyCloud Dashboard browser is currently open, close and reopen after doing the changes to let the Dashboard reinitialize.

# Add to admin group.
gpasswd -a username administrators;

# Confirm it's there!
id username;# Delete from admin group.gpasswd -d username administrators;

Thanks Nazar78!

I’m going to try the first thing tomorrow (too sleepy right now).

I’ll let you know what happens.