Folders Within Public Share Read-Only after Firmware Update

Well, in my playing with the new firmware and Twonky, I found some strange behaviour, which I reported here:

I found that new ‘Shared Media’ folders created by Twonky had permissions such that I couldn’t access them using Windows File Explorer on mapped shares. Whereas the old shares were accessible.

Ussing SSH to access the linux command line, I used ls -la to check the owner, group and permissions for these folders, and spotted that the new folders were different.

Working folders had properties:

drwxrwxr-x root shares

whereas the new folders had properties:

drwxrwxrw- root root

On the thread above, Kazzzzz (WD Staff) suggested the following command to fix the group ownership:

find -P /shares/ -not -path ‘/.’ -group root -exec chgrp share {} ;

This will find all shares that have group ownership as ‘root’, and set them to group ownership ‘shares’.

Now, I’m NOT saying that this is the solution to the problem people are having with inability to access their shares, but it might be worth using SSH/Linux to have a look at the folder permissions of ‘working’ folders and ‘broken’ folders, and see if there are obvious differences.

I’m not sure what the folder properties should be…

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