I’m a casual user of mycloud and having problem installing transmission for the first time.
Was following this thread but getting an error /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/transmission-settings.sh: line 33: transmission-daemon: not found
when I hit sh /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/transmission-settings.sh
Any idea how to fix this?
Those directions were for OS3 (v2.x firmware). If one is running OS5 (v5.x firmware) the OS3 methods may not work due to newer/possibly different firmware and possibly a different root firmware folder structure.
Use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon top right, if you haven’t already to search for past Transmission discussions. There are a fair number of them: http://community.wd.com/search?q=transmission%20%23os5
Transmission is apparently not officially supported on the single bay OS5 My Cloud. For multi bay OS5 My Cloud models, Transmission may be available as a 3rd party app. One can manually install 3rd party Apps if they don’t show up via the My Cloud Dashboard App tab (add app option).
Well I have searched for hours. I ended up posting this as a result.
Lots of people share the problems about using transmission but surprisingly lack of instructions…
Found .bin file and installed manually and can see it on the dashboard. But when I click configure button at the app dashboard, it just shows error saying refused connection.