Firmware update killed my My Cloud 2TB

There are two methods of unbricking a gen2 single bay My Cloud. If the first method using a USB flash drive formatted for FAT32 doesn’t work try the “alternate method” which uses a Linux boot CD/DVD/USB flash drive.

Unbricking English Directions:

Ubuntu is one popular Linux distro that offers a boot CD/DVD or boot USB Flash Drive option.

Edit to add (with updated corrected links to needed files):

One of success-story with this howto:

0. Download these files: (Original firmware) (past firmware download links if not using latest firmware) (usbrecovery.tar.gz - WD Recovery + My miniOS)

1. Use any USB Flash drive, format it to FAT32 (Important!)
2. Unpack usbrecovery.tar.gz to this drive (You will get "boot" folder and 4 files inside)
3. Plug this USB drive to WD MyCloud, turn on power. Wait yellow-red (blinking) light.
4. Connect via Telnet (Search IP in your router, unde DHCP section.)
5. Format HDD if need:
parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

6. Install original WD recovery and reboot:
mkdir -p /mnt/usb /mnt/root
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/root
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
cp -r /mnt/usb/boot /mnt/root/
cd /mnt/root/boot
rm uImage uRamdisk
mv uImage-wdrecovery uImage
mv uRamdisk-wdrecovery uRamdisk
cd /
umount /mnt/root /mnt/usb
reboot -f

7. After reboot device get old IP address and accessable via Web-GUI (Recovery mode). Use original firmware (.bin file) here.


Alternative way:

Use Debian/ubuntu or any other linux distro (USB/CD Live image)
All "/dev/sda" change to your disk! (List disks in system: "parted -l")
If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:
parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Download and unpack files from - uImage-wdrecovery ( and uRamdisk-wdrecovery (
Write it disk:
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/boot
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.
After few minutes WDMC boots to "WD Recovery". Go to webgui and upload official firmware.