Files Not Backed Up wrong amount

I have been happy with using a My Book Essential for over 2 years.  In the last few months, I have noticed that my computer system has been running more slowly than usual.  Not unlocking the WD Smartware daily seems to be helping.  However, in the last couple of weeks I noticed the “Files Not Backed Up” section now says 7.5 million files and 1.5 TB.  (Usually it was less than 10 files and just a few MB, which reflected files that I had been using recently.)  This does not make sense at all because my computer’s hard drive is only 150 GB.  The drive seems to be updated with the latest software and my most recent files.

Any suggestions to help the My Book have an accurate reading in the “Files Not Backed Up” area again?

Thank you for your assistance.


I recommend that you do a clean install of the backup software.

1- Uninstall WD Smartware from the computer.

2- Restart the computer

3- Install WD Smartware latest version.