Feature request: File name only indexing - No thumbnails

After updating to OS5, my DL2100 spent 3 weeks to index 60% of the files only, taking over 400Gb of storage space.

Due to the high resource ussage (90% CPU and memory ussage all time) I finally decided to dissable cloud access (which I would need!) to stop the indexing process, but couldn’t recover the storage space.

It would be great to include in future firmware updates an indexing configuration to select if thumbnails are needed or for which file types or folders. In my case with plain filename indexing would be enough.

I would also appreciate if someone can tell me how to recover the storage space used by this interrupted indexing process as well.



Please refer to the following KBA article: My Cloud OS 5: User Share Cloud Access and Indexing

@Logan.S The KBA does not actually provide the answer.

Can it be made possible to allow web access to the share, but during the indexing not do perform any transcoding of media to thumbnails.